Toronto District School Board
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Ward Forums

Iftar Celebration - Tuesday March 18, 2025 

From: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

David and Mary Thomson CI 


RSVP Here 


Tamil Heritage Month Celebration - Special Presentation: Arts Programs at the TDSB

Tuesday January 28, 2025 

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Register Online

Meet and Greet New Family of Schools Administration & PIAC & FLSCAC Election

Thursday November 28, 2024

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute - 550 Markham Rd, Scarborough


Nomination Form: Nomination and Voter Registration Form


Special Education Virtual Ward Forum -Tuesday May 21, 2024, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Special Education - Slide Deck 

Joint In-Person Eid Celebrations RSVP

Vice Chair Neethan Shan, Trustee Malika Ghous, Trustee Zakir Patel, Trustee Manna Wong, Trustee Yalini Rajakulasingam and Trustee Anu Sriskandarajah invite you to celebrate Eid with them.

Thursday April 18, 2024 - 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm

Woburn Collegiate Institute
22 Ellesmere Rd., Scarborough


Virtual Scarborough Budget Forum -Monday March 25, 2024, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Wards 17,18,19,20,21 and 22 School/Student Councils, Parents/Caregivers, Community Members, and School Staff, please join us for a:

Join Associate Director Stacey Zucker and Executive Officer Craig Snider for a discussion on the proposed changes, cuts, and additions to the TDSB Budget.

How to Join the Virtual Ward Forum 

If you are interested in participating, please Register Online

Postponed: Virtual Joint Ward Forum - Friday March 22, 2024, from 6:00pm to 7:15pm

To discuss Teacher Absenteeism: The Broader Impact on Students, Families, and the Budget Implications

How to Join the Virtual Joint Ward Forum 

Register Here

Virtual Ward Forum-TDSB Cell Phone Policy

Tuesday February 27, 2024, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Please join Trustee Patel and Associate Director Salmon for a conversation on the new TDSB Cell Phone Policy, regarding the consultation process, timelines, parent, and student feedback.



How to Join the Virtual Ward Forum

Register Here

1176 Pharmacy Ave, Scarborough, ON M1R 2H7


Register Online or

Childcare available



In Person Ward Forum -Thursday, December 14, 2023, From 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Location: St. Margaret’s Public School (Library) 235 Galloway Rd.

Join Trustee Zakir Patel and your local Superintendent of Education as we meet for an In-Person Ward Forum on Parent Engagement and PIAC Elections.


Election for PIAC and FSLCAC Representatives - We will be electing Co-Representatives for both TDSB Parent Involvement Advisory Committee PIAC and French as a Second Language Community Advisory Committee FSLCAC.

Parents/Caregivers interested in becoming PIAC & FSLCAC Representatives must complete the Nomination Form for Ward 19 PIAC and FSLCAC  or  (

Nomination close: Monday December 11 , 2023, at 9:00AM

No nominations will be taken from the floor at the meeting.

Voter Registration -If you are interested in participating for this election and vote, you must complete Ward 19 Voter

Light refreshments will be served.  Child Care available.

PIAC Nominee’s

Michael Munshaw - With a rich 14-year background in education across Junior, Intermediate, and Senior levels and specialized expertise in Math, Science, and Guidance, I am an ideal candidate for the Parent Involvement Advisory Committee with the TDSB. As a father of three, with two children currently attending Elizabeth Simcoe and a future prospect in tow, my personal investment in the school's success is unwavering. My extensive experience includes serving in various administrative capacities, deeply understanding the critical role that parent engagement plays in enriching the school community. I have a proven track record of effectively connecting with parents from various backgrounds, fostering a collaborative environment to support our children’s education. My tenure in three distinct school communities has helped me build a robust network, equipping me with a repository of innovative strategies and insights. Communication, transparency, and attention to detail are my guiding principles, ensuring every project under my lead is exemplary in structure and enjoyment for the community. Above all, I value the collective power of teamwork, essential for any effective parent council. My commitment is to work in concert with other members, driving us towards our common objectives. As a fervent advocate for Elizabeth Simcoe, I deeply respect its educational standards and the vibrancy of its parent community. I am excited to contribute more directly and impactfully to the synergy between parents, the school, and the broader Ward 19 community.

Shabnam Shekh - As a parent, I would like to join this advisory committee. I also did Bachelor of Education in back home. Here in Canada, I serve as community ambassador. My community work gave me broad perspective of Canadian culture. I also understand the struggle of immigrants parents and kids. I also did so much work on mental health issues and on gun violence too. I would like to share my experiences with PIAC team so that Parents and kids get benefits from it. Thank you!!

Moosa Anwar Alloo - I have 6 children studying in TDSB schools out of which 4 are in French immersion program. I'm currently the Council chair of Henry Hudson senior public school. I'm also part of other school councils. I'm interested in PIAC to support the other school councils and help improve the quality of the learning environment of ALL students by advocating for resources and new ideas.

Shanti Chand - Shanti Chand (She/Her) RSW, BSW- Parent, Social Worker, Manager, All-Stars Community Outreach & Womanist My name is Shanti Chand, and I am the current co-representative for Ward 19. I would like to run as your ward co-representative for another term on the Parent Involvement Advisory Committee (PIAC). Thank you for allowing me to share my interest and experience in becoming one of your co-representatives to serve the parents and caregivers as we support the student's well-being and academic achievements. I have over fifteen years of experience in banking and finance and five years of experience in social work practice. I currently volunteer as the manager at All-Stars Community Outreach while I pursue a Master’s in Social Work. I have been one of the co-representatives for Ward 19 since 2019 and have participated in various working groups. I have co-led the Consultations Working Group in 2020-2021 and the Operational Effectiveness Working Group from 2021 to the present. Through my different roles at PIAC, I have led discussions, facilitated workshops at the PIAC conference, and supported other presenters at the TSDB Parents and Caregivers as Partners Conference. I have worked directly with TDSB Staff, developing relationships that further PIAC’s reputation as a collaborator, improving parent Engagement, and supporting School Councils and families of the TDSB. Also, I am the PIAC liaison and member of the TDSB Mental Health and Well-Being Parent Committee. I firmly believe that partnerships involve listening, speaking, and accountability between all stakeholders, which will support the well-being and achievement of our students. As a passionate Social Worker, manager, and advocate in my community, I am committed to seeing the diversity in our Toronto school communities thrive. Working in communities for many years, I understand that working with diverse and marginalized community residents, assets, organizations, and stakeholders means managing complex conversations and dynamics. I apply an anti-oppressive approach in my practice, aligned with adult education principles that include sharing our collective knowledge as a primary approach to increasing capacity, confidence, and skills. This approach will help to drive profound changes and bring meaning to the experiences of our children in the public school system. As one of your co-representatives, I wish to continue to support the parent school councils and families of the TDSB to enhance and increase parent engagement in Ward 19. I wish to continue to advocate for all your concerns, bringing them forward to PIAC for recommendations to the Board and Ministry of Education and holding the education system accountable to parents and caregivers. Also, to encourage your involvement in policy consultations and parent-led initiatives to ensure that TDSB fulfills its mission to provide an equitable, diverse, and inclusive learning experience to improve students' achievement and well-being in collaboration with the families. I look forward to your support of becoming one of your co-representatives for Ward 19. With thanks and appreciation, Shanti Chand (She/Her)


FSLCAC Nominee

Moosa Anwar Alloo - I have 6 children studying in TDSB schools out of which 4 are in French immersion program. I'm currently the Council chair of Henry Hudson senior public school. I'm also part of other school councils. I'm interested in PIAC to support the other school councils and help improve the quality of the learning environment of ALL students by advocating for resources and new ideas.



TDSB is Renewing its Multi-Year Strategic Plan

Ward 19 Trustee Zakir Patel and Ward 22 Trustee Anu Sriskandarajah
invite you to a virtual Ward Forum to provide your input into the TDSB’s renewed Multi-Year Strategic Plan.

Ward 19 Trustee Zakir Patel and Ward 22 Trustee Anu Sriskandarajah
invite you to a virtual Ward Forum to provide your input into the TDSB’s renewed Multi-Year Strategic Plan.
Thursday, October 26, 2023, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM via ZOOM

Please REGISTER HERE to let us know you will be attending and if you require any accommodation to participate in this discussion. 


Previous Ward Forums

Virtual 2023-24 Budget Forum - Tuesday June 6, 2023, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

If you are interested in participating, please Register Online


TDSB Joint Budget Forum Presentation


Past Ward 19 Forums

Virtual Ward Forum - Return to School 2021, Tuesday, September 7, 2021 WAS CANCELLED

Joint Ward Forum - Transition to High School, Thursday, May 20, 2021

Virtual Ward Forum - Student Mental Health & Well-Being During COVID, Thursday, March 4, 2021 
Presentation by Shameen Sandhu, System Leader, Mental Health and Professional Support Services 

Virtual Ward Forum - Parent Engagement, Monday, March 1, 2021
Presentation by Michelle Munroe, Central Coordinator, Parent and Community Engagement

Virtual Ward Forum "Chat with the Director", Thursday, February 25, 2021

Virtual Parent Engagement Night, Thursday, February 4, 2021 Flyer

Virtual Ward Forum for Secondary Students (Grade 9-12), Thursday, September 10, 2020 Flyer

Joint Ward Forum-Return to School Thursday, August 27, 2020 Flyer

Ward Forum at Woburn Collegiate Institute Tuesday February 25, 2020 Flyer 

Ward Forum at Military Trail Public School Thursday January 30, 2020 Flyer

Ward Forum at Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute Saturday November 30, 2019 Flyer

Joint Ward Forum at 140 Borough Drive Wednesday March 27, 2019  Flyer