Toronto District School Board
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TDSSAA Alpine Skiing

Welcome to Alpine Skiing!

Thank you to all the schools, volunteers, coaches, convenors, and teachers who help make this sport possible every winter season!

Please check back for updates regarding this year's TDSSAA Alpine Skiing season. Please connect with your school's Health & Physical Education department for more information.


TDSSAA Alpine Skiing is open to all skiers, from experienced (club trained) racers to those who are exclusively school-trained athletes. High School Division (Level 1) racers are school-trained with no ski league affiliation beyond U12 or equivalent. Open Division (Level 2) racers are club trained racers who have raced beyond U12. All racers compete in the Giant Slalom and Slalom events.  We are excited to begin another season on the slopes.  For more information, please connect with your school's Health and Physical Education Department.

