Toronto District School Board
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EQAO Primary & Junior Divisions

Primary Division (Grade 3)


EQAO Gr 3 TDSB Province

Compared to the Province and last year’s TDSB results, the percentage of fully participating Grade 3 TDSB students achieving at or above the provincial standard (Levels 3 and 4) in 2023-24 is:

  • 2 percentage points lower in Reading than the 2022-23 TDSB results (69.7% from 71.7%) and in line with the all of Ontario that also went down by 1.4 percentage points to 71.2%
  • 4.2 percentage points lower in Writing than the 2022-23 TDSB results (62.6% compared to 66.8%); however, roughly in line with the Province that now is at 63.7% also having gone down by 1.8 percentage points.
  • About the same in Mathematics compared to the 2022-23 TDSB results (59.4% compared to 59.9%); however, also in line with the Province that went up by 1.6 percentage points to 61.3%.

This cohort of students experienced both JK and SK years during the Pandemic. Literacy preparation and early literacy behaviours may have been considerably affected by the disrupted service.

Junior Division (Grade 6)



EQAO Gr 6 TDSB Province

Compared to the Province and last year’s TDSB results, the percentage of fully participating Grade 6 TDSB students achieving at or above the provincial standard (Levels 3 and 4) in 2023-24 is:

  • 2.7 percentage points lower in Reading than the 2022-23 TDSB results (80.7% compared to 83.4%); however, also in line with the Province that went down by 1.7 percentage points and is now at 82%
  • 4.5 percentage points lower in Writing than the 2022-23 TDSB results (80.3% compared to 84.8%); and is now in line with the Province at 80.4%, also having gone down as significantly by 3.2 percentage points.
  • 1.5 percentage points lower in Mathematics than the 2022-23 TDSB results (52.0% compared to 53.5%); however, also higher than the Province that went up by less than 1% and is now at 50.2%.

Similar consideration should be given to this cohort of students as they experienced disruption in service in Grade 2 and 3 during the Pandemic - the core part of early literacy development in schools. 

The TDSB's Literacy Strategy 2024-2027 will ensure that all students achieve high levels of literacy regardless of their background or social identity. A focus will be placed on providing specific oral language, reading and writing instruction and learning experiences that cultivate a sense of joy, engagement and belonging.

The TDSB is committed to providing exceptional, inclusive, empowering and culturally responsive mathematics education for all students. We believe strongly that every math classroom across our system should be a place where students of all backgrounds and abilities can excel. Our aim is for all students to reach high levels of academic achievement, while also developing a deep appreciation for mathematics that will serve them in the future, regardless of the pathway they follow. The TDSB’s Math Achievement Action Plan, Mathematics for All: Supporting & Empowering Every Student, Every Classroom, was approved in 2023 and guides this work. As a system, we continue to monitor TDSB EQAO results and make adjustments to the plan as needed.