What to Expect
This Climate Camp offers K-12 teachers in the TDSB a wide range of learning opportunities in an inspiring setting to support their professional learning in Climate Change Education (CCE). Building community guides our learning, initiating and strengthening relationships to support the development of new futures together. Diverse perspectives, innovative approaches and compelling ideas are introduced as teachers interact with CCE experts, Indigenous knowledge-keepers, leaders from EcoSchools and the UIEC, and most importantly, with each other. Learning with and from the natural world begins the Camp and each day, drawing on the teachings of the Earth to inspire learning. Featured talks offer provocations on climate emotions, climate literacy, and future visioning, leading to a choice of workshops and activities that focus on agency, reconciliation, climate action and activism. As an integral part of this, teachers are invited to share their expertise and work collaboratively to deepen knowledge and refine their practice in CCE for the coming school year. Meals, breaks and evening social activities provide time for nourishment, self-care, reflection and nurturing relationships. Overall, teachers can expect learning that is reflective, joyful, and energizing, empowering them for leading CCE in the year to come.
Climate Camp Location
Climate Camp 2025 takes place at the TDSB’s Mono Cliffs Outdoor Education Centre, situated on the Niagara Escarpment (approximately 10 km north of Orangeville, ON). The beautiful rural property features forests, meadows and open fields that border the picturesque Mono Cliffs Provincial Park with its 30 metre cliffs, bedrock outliers, a glacial spillway, hiking/biking trails, ponds and a kettle lake. Teachers will stay overnight at the Centre for three nights, with all meals and snacks provided. Accommodation is provided in shared dorm rooms (two people per room) with shared bathroom facilities. Detailed info about the Centre and its facilities is found here.
The cost for TDSB teachers for the full Camp (learning, accommodations, meals & entertainment) is only $100 as it is subsidized by the TDSB’s Environmental Legacy Fund. (Once your application has been accepted, teachers pay a registration deposit of $200, with $100 being refunded upon completion of the Camp.)
Registration will open for TDSB teachers in early April; check back on
this page or subscribe to the
EcoSchools newsletter to receive more information on registration when it becomes
available. Spots are limited - register early!