Toronto District School Board
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EcoSchools Student Leadership Conference

Student Leadership Conferences

The EcoSchools Middle & Secondary Student Leadership Conferences are an opportunity to energize your school's EcoTeam/Environment Club and build stronger leadership skills; explore concepts, ideas, and questions related to sustainability; and find ways to participate in solutions, even when solutions are not obvious or straightforward.

Spring 2025

Taking Action at Your School!

Grades 6-8, April 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th (choose one), 8:30am-2:30pm ET

Climate change is happening now. If left unchecked, climate change will adversely affect every ecosystem and community. Students are the next generation to live with the impacts of climate change, and the ones who will influence our schools and communities towards a low carbon and climate resilient future.

The Spring 2025 EcoSchools Student Leadership Conference (grades 6-8) will energize your students to take the lead on climate actions, build their facilitation and leadership skills, and collectively transform schools into communities of hope and activism.

During the full-day session, students will be actively engaged in climate change games and activities that focus on solutions. Students will learn and lead one game for their peers and begin planning for an upcoming EcoEvent. Participants will leave with the games and planning resources they will need to replicate an EcoEvent at their school.

The conference is open to grade 6-8 students. We welcome teachers and their student teams - maximum 6 participants per school, e.g., 5 students and 1 staff member. Teacher release is provided for ONE teacher per school.

Please arrange your own transportation. Remind students to dress for the weather!


Downsview Discovery Centre
70 Canuck Ave, North York, ON M3K 2C5

08:30 * Registration
09:00 * Keynote, activities
09:55 * Break
10:05 * Climate Change Games
11:05 * What is Facilitation (small groups)
11:45 * Working Lunch
12:30 * Climate Change Games (student led)
13:30 * Break
13:40 * Event Planning
14:20 * Wrap up
14:30 * Dismissal


  • Spaces are limited, 12 schools per day - first come first served
  • This is a precious learning opportunity, please be on time
  • Dress for the weather, activities will be outdoors
  • Coffee/Tea will be provided for staff
  • Bring your own reusable water bottles
  • Where possible, please arrive sustainably (e.g., carpool and transit)
  • Please bring your own lunch

Questions? Contact Jenn or Chris @ TDSB EcoSchools.