Toronto District School Board
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Clean Toronto Together

Clean Toronto Together

Toronto's Annual Spring Cleanup

In 2024, more than 1,000 self-directed park cleanups were held across Toronto, so let's make this year even bigger! We want all schools to participate and collect as much waste as possible - even going beyond the schoolyard!

How to take part?

On Friday, April 25th at 2:00 p.m. students, staff, and parents from across Toronto are encouraged to help rejuvenate our city’s green spaces by picking up litter in their schoolyard, neighbourhood park, or local community. Celebrate Earth Day by joining schools across Toronto who are helping to keep our City clean and green! You'll be amazed at what we can accomplish in as little as 20 minutes! (Note: Schools may opt to do their clean-up event at any time). Parents are always welcome to participate with the school. Families can also join Toronto’s annual spring cleanup events on Saturday, April 26th and Sunday, April 27th.


Safety Tips from the City

  • Wear appropriate and protective clothing (boots, gloves, rain jacket, hat, sunscreen).
  • If possible, use tongs to handle waste items (dollar store salad tongs work)
  • Bring a first aid kit; students should be accompanied by a person trained in first aid.
  • Be mindful of vehicles when near or adjacent to a road.
  • Do not work on unstable or slippery ground (ravines, river banks), in tunnels, or near stormwater management ponds.
  • Only pick-up litter (including masks). Leaves, twigs and plants can remain on the ground.
  • Avoid stepping on shrubs, bulbs, and flowers.
  • Do not pick up or move heavy objects such as tree limbs.
  • Do not pick up dangerous items (needles or syringes, metal, chemicals, medical waste) – if on school property, report the location of these items to your caretaker; if on public property, call 311.
  • Hazardous waste such as batteries, aerosol containers, fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), helium and propane tanks/cylinders, should be set aside from recycling and litter.
  • Report suspicious items to Toronto Police Service via their non-emergency telephone number at 416-808-2222.