Toronto District School Board
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TDSB Recognizes Black Mental Health Day

Monday, March 7, 2022
Categories: Happenings @ TDSB

On March 7, TDSB honours the third anniversary of Black Mental Health Day, first recognized in 2020 by the City of Toronto, Taibu Community Health Center, CAFCAN and Strides Toronto. In the TDSB, we recognize the impact Anti-Black racism continues to have on the mental health and well being of individuals, students and families.

Schools play a significant role in acknowledging, understanding and providing space for critical conversations about the impacts of racial stress and trauma on the mental health and well-being of Black students and families. Our collective work requires us to learn, unlearn and support the healing of racial trauma. We need to center culturally responsive restorative healing spaces for Black youth and families, which will contribute to their positive outcomes and mentally healthy schools.

It is through this that we can acknowledge and support meaningful and accessible connections to culturally responsive resources. In addition, seeking support from professionals that identify with the Black Diasporic communities, is central in supporting Black Mental Health and Wellbeing. On our Mental Health and Well-Being page, you can access resources, activities and seminars that critically discuss, support and honour the importance Black Mental Health and Well-Being.

