Toronto District School Board
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School Excursion Forms Are Now Digital

Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Categories: Happenings @ TDSB, Great Things


School excursion notifications and permission forms are now digital! The TDSB has launched a new online system to replace the current paper-based model. 

While in-person excursions and athletics are not taking place right now, there is still a wide variety of virtual excursions available to our students. 

When a teacher creates a virtual excursion for their students, parents/guardians will receive an email notification from about the upcoming event. As these opportunities are happening virtually and during the school day, permission is not required, but it is to let parents/guardians know what their child is engaged in. 

When in person athletics and excursions resume, all related forms and communication will also be available through this online process, which will include a secure login process for parents/guardians to provide consent.
