Toronto District School Board
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TDSB Participates in Ontario's Budget Consultations

Friday, February 12, 2021
Categories: Board and Trustee Governance, Financial Services

On Friday, February 12, the Toronto District School Board submitted the following information as part of the Government of Ontario’s Budget Consultations (2021):

The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is the largest and most diverse school board in Canada, and we have unique needs when it comes to what is required to best support our students and communities. Our students need safe and modern learning environments, appropriate special education supports, targeted supports for mental health and well-being and access to reliable and up-to-date technology. And, especially during these unprecedented times, it is even more critical for school boards to receive adequate financial support to help address the widening gaps in student achievement and learning loss resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Attached you will find our budget consultation submission, which highlights five key areas for the TDSB:

  • Special Education and Mental Health Support
  • Technology
  • Pandemic Impacts
  • Capital Needs
  • Education Development Charges

Thank you,

Alexander Brown
Chair, Toronto District School Board
