Dear Secondary Parents/Guardians,
The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) has announced today that, should a tentative agreement not be reached, its members (teachers and education workers) will conduct a one-day walkout (full withdrawal of services) on Wednesday, December 4, 2019 and return to work on Thursday, December 5, 2019.
Should there be a walkout on December 4, the TDSB would have no other option but to close all secondary schools to students as there would not be sufficient supervision to ensure their safety. This would include all TDSB secondary schools, Adult Day Schools and Secondary Night Schools. Any out-of-school activities (e.g. field trips, sports, etc.) would also be cancelled on that day. As a result, parents/guardians should make alternate arrangements for their children if required.
OSSTF is in negotiations with the Government of Ontario and the Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) to achieve new collective agreements for secondary teachers and education workers (including Child and Youth Workers, Social Workers and Speech-Language Pathologists).
As always, for ongoing labour updates, please visit the TDSB website and follow @tdsb on Twitter.