Toronto District School Board
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Young Women on the Move

Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Categories: Happenings @ TDSB, Great Things, School Web Stories

Earlier this month, 400 girls in Grades 7-12 gathered for a Young Women on the Moveevent for International Women’s Day. This event focussed on the issue of accessibility, and how girls can overcome challenges, barriers and obstacles in their own lives.

Alisha, a student from Albion Heights Junior Middle School, said one of the most powerful messages she learned from the event was that, “you may not succeed the first time, but you may try a different approach to accomplish it.”

The students were also given white t-shirts where their peers could share positive messages on the back of each other’s shirts. Alisha said, “the messages brought a warm smile to my face.”

The event was sponsored by the Toronto District School Board and Johnson Insurance.

“Johnson Insurance is pleased to be working with the Toronto District School Board to sponsor the Young Women on the Move events for students of the Board. The values being promoted and the experiences available to the students participating speak to the core values required in today’s environment for success. We are proud to be part of this amazing project and look forward to our partnership with TDSB which will positively impact young women for many years to come.”
- Cathy Turner, Senior Manager at Johnson Insurance

Young Women on the Move is a powerful TDSB mentorship initiative for girls in Grades 3-12.
