Toronto District School Board
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Happenings @ TDSB

Director Statement Re: Book Club Selections

Friday, November 12, 2021
Categories: Happenings @ TDSB

Following a recent newspaper article with regard to a book club featuring books by prominent Canadian lawyer Marie Henein (Nothing But the Truth) and Nobel Peace Prize Winner Nadia Murad (The Last Girl), we wanted to provide some clarification.


An opinion that did not reflect the position of the Toronto District School Board was shared with the organizer of the book club prior to staff having an opportunity to read the books – something that is routinely done before giving them to students. Staff are currently reading both books and anticipate being able to add them to the list of titles used in the corresponding course(s).


We sincerely apologize to both Ms. Henein and Ms. Murad – both of whom have powerful stories to tell and from whom we believe students would learn a great deal.


Colleen Russell-Rawlins

Director of Education
