Toronto District School Board
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Happenings @ TDSB

TDSB Celebrates Education Week!

Monday, May 6, 2019
Categories: Happenings @ TDSB, Great Things

Education Week is an opportunity for us to celebrate and highlight many of the great initiatives and programs underway across the TDSB that are helping students succeed.

And there is lots happening! Every week Director John Malloy visits schools and sees learning in action (You can too! Watch the videos!). Learning should be engaging, relevant and fun. It’s amazing to see students be curious about the world around them, ask questions and help direct their learning.

There is content all over our website that celebrates the work we do everyday in support of our students, such as:

And go ahead and follow us on Twitter, too. That's where our schools turn to highlight learning in and outside of the classroom. What great things are you doing? Follow and share online using #TDSBedweek and tagging @tdsb! And visit this page daily for more great happenings in the TDSB!
