Toronto District School Board
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Happenings @ TDSB

April is Latin-America History Month at the TDSB

Sunday, April 1, 2018
Categories: Happenings @ TDSB, Great Things, School Web Stories

The theme for Latin-America History Month (LAHM) 2018 is Recognizing our Diverse Spiritualities Through Our Stories: Learn About Our Many Roots. Latin-America/Abya Yala heritage is shared by more than 5,000 students across TDSB. Encompassing the peoples of 21 different countries, linguistically, it represents over 500 hundred different languages spoken, including Indigenous and African languages such as Kuna and Garifuna.

Last year, TDSB’s LAHM theme was: Hear Our Voices: Our Living Experiences! Escuchen Nuestrxs Voces: Nuestrxs Experiencias!, calling on us to subvert the singular understanding of Latin-America/Abya Yala’s ethnic and racial identities. Building on this theme, the aim of the LAHM 2018 and K-12 Related Initiatives Planning Committee is to support TDSB staff and students to engage in courageous conversations and critical literature, building understanding around the many ways that students and families of Latin-America/Abya Yala and its diasporas practice their spiritualties, and centering its marginalized and silenced voices, lived experiences, and realities, including but not limited to those of Muslim Latinxs, Sikh Latinxs, as well as Mapuche or Garifuna youth).
