Toronto District School Board
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RH McGregor Elementary School Antisemitism & Holocaust Presentation

Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Categories: Equity

RH McGregor ES Grade 5 students learned about Anti-Semitism with the support of TDSB-approved speaker, Michelle Glied-Goldstein and her organization, Carrying Holocaust Testimony. She shared the stories of her father, William Glied, who was among the first Jewish orphans admitted to Canada after his family was killed by the Nazis. William recounted his experiences as a child growing up in Serbia before the second world war. Through video and a live interview with Michelle he told students that he was kicked off the soccer team and then was eventually asked to leave his school because he was Jewish. He described the work camps, and how he managed to survive. William and Michelle encouraged students to stand up when they see wrong, to always do small acts of kindness and explained that we are so lucky to live in a great country like Canada. It is up to each of us to ensure it continues to be a free, democratic country and a society with strong moral values.

“You can’t be racist . It’s really unfair. You should think about how it would be if you were treated like you weren’t even human.”

“We should learn more about each other and our backgrounds. Be so happy that we live in a free, democratic society. Speak up when something is wrong or there is racism. Protect and maintain each other’s values in this country.”

-Luke and Nathaniel, Grade 5
