Toronto District School Board
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Supporting Students with Special Education Needs During School Closure Period

Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Categories: Happenings @ TDSB

Dear Parents/Guardians,


As we resume remote learning following the April Break, we wanted to provide an update with regard to supporting students with special education needs during the school closure period.


At the TDSB, our goal is to put all strategies in place to ensure students with special education needs are set up for success to learn remotely. Principals and Vice Principals are currently consulting with teachers and support staff working directly with students on how to support students with remote learning and schools will be contacting families of students today to provide information on next steps.


While the Ministry of Education has directed all school boards to make plans for in-person support for students with special education needs who cannot be accommodated through remote learning based on student needs, we must recognize that the current COVID-19 situation in Toronto is much different than what we experienced during a similar closure in January/February of this year. With this in mind, coupled with the work being done on accommodating students remotely, we believe that only a very limited number of students with special education needs will require accommodation to attend in-person learning and this will be based on their ability to learn remotely. While these in-person supports may begin in the next couple of days, we would ask for your ongoing patience as school staff take the time to consult and make appropriate plans.


Should you have any questions, please speak with your school Principal.


Thank you.
