Toronto District School Board
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October is Somali Heritage Month

Monday, September 30, 2019
Categories: Happenings @ TDSB, Great Things

Every year, the TDSB recognizes Somali Heritage Month in October. The TDSB affirms our commitment to celebrating Somali Heritage Month, and encourages students and staff to take this opportunity to learn about the history, heritage and diversity of the Somali community.

This year’s theme is “Educate. Elevate. Excel.” This theme signifies the month’s planning committee’s ongoing mission for the Somali community to continue to educate students and the community at large, to elevate their student academic achievement and, to continue to excel.

Connect with us! On Twitter @somali_heritage, on Instagram somaliheritagemonth or at

Somali Heritage Month - October 2019 Flyer

Somali Heritage Month

