Toronto District School Board
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Statement Re: Tragic Events in Sri Lanka

Sunday, April 21, 2019
Categories: News Releases

The thoughts of the Toronto District School Board are with the victims of today’s targeted attacks on innocent people around Sri Lanka that sadly took the lives of more than 200 people and injured hundreds. 

Our hearts go out to the victims’ families and loved ones, the people of Sri Lanka and those impacted here in Toronto. 

We stand with the larger global community in condemning these senseless acts of terror and stand against hate in all its forms. 

Media coverage at times like this can also be very challenging for some students. Our Professional Support Services staff have assembled tips for parents that may help with discussions with children.

John Malloy                                  Robin Pilkey

Director of Education                    Chair

Note: Due to the holidays, it was not possible to lower flags to half-staff over the weekend.Flags were lowered on Tuesday in remembrance of the victims of the tragedy along Yonge Street one year ago. Flags at TDSB Education Centre will remain lowered on Wednesday in remembrance of those who lost their lives in Sri Lanka.
