Toronto District School Board
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Secondary School Open Houses and Information Nights

High School Open Houses and Information Nights

To help you make an informed decision when choosing a school, TDSB schools will host in-person open houses and information sessions for parents/guardians and students between November and January.

Learn everything you need to know about our incredible variety of schools, programs and courses.

If you have questions about a specific school or open house, please contact the school directly for more information.

Note: Please check this page regularly, as schools will continue to post information about open house dates/times.

To learn about the Elementary School Open Houses and Information Nights, please visit


SchoolDateTime Additional Information
A Y Jackson Secondary SchoolNov 27, 20246:30PM-8:30PM Advanced Placement (AP)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Agincourt Collegiate InstituteDec 12, 20246:30PM-8:30PM French Immersion (FI)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Albert Campbell Collegiate InstituteDec 10, 20246:00PM-8:00PM Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)  
ALPHA II Alternative School (Sec)Nov 14, 20246:00PM-7:00PM  
Apr 03, 20255:00PM-7:00PM  
Alternative Scarborough Education 1   Alternative (ALT) No grade 9 offered-Virtual information sessions for Alt schools-date TBD
Avondale Secondary Alternative School   Alternative (ALT) Contact the school to inquire -no grade 9 offered -Virtual information sessions for Alt schools-date TBD
Birchmount Park Collegiate InstituteNov 13, 20246:30PM-8:00PM Exceptional Athlete (EA) Advanced Placement (AP)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
CSIP Exceptional Athlete
Bloor Collegiate InstituteNov 14, 20246:00PM-7:30PM Math and Science Focus (MST) Advanced Placement (AP)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
C W Jefferys Collegiate InstituteNov 19, 20246:00PM-7:30PM Math and Science Focus (MST) CSIP MST
Cedarbrae Collegiate InstituteNov 12, 20246:30PM-8:30PM Math and Science Focus (MST) LEAP (LP)
French Immersion (FI)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Central Technical SchoolNov 13, 20246:00PM-7:30PM Arts Focus (AF) Sec. School without a boundary (SSWAB)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)

Secondary School without a Boundary

Central Toronto AcademyDec 05, 20246:00PM-8:00PM Arts Focus (Local) (AF(L))
Advanced Placement (AP)
Sec. School without a boundary (SSWAB)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)

Secondary School without a Boundary

City School   Alternative (ALT) Virtual information sessions for Alt schools-date TBD
Contact Alternative School   Alternative (ALT) No grade 9 offered-Virtual information sessions for Alt schools-date TBD
Danforth Collegiate and Technical InstituteNov 04, 20246:30PM-8:30PM Math and Science Focus (MST) Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) CSIP MST
Dec 03, 20246:30PM-8:30PM Sec. School without a boundary (SSWAB)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)

Secondary School without a Boundary

David and Mary Thomson Collegiate InstituteNov 26, 20246:00PM-7:30PM Advanced Placement (AP)
Math and Science Focus (Local) (MST(L))
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Delphi Secondary Alternative School   Alternative (ALT) Virtual information sessions for Alt schools-date TBD
Don Mills Collegiate InstituteNov 14, 20246:00PM-7:30PM Arts Focus (AF) CSIP Arts
Downsview Secondary SchoolNov 12, 20246:30PM-8:30PM Math and Science Focus (MST) Arts Focus (Local) (AF(L))
Leadership (Local) (LEAD(L))
Africentric Program
Dr Norman Bethune Collegiate InstituteNov 28, 20246:45PM-8:30PM Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)  
Drewry Secondary SchoolNov 25, 202410:00AM  
Earl Haig Secondary SchoolNov 11, 20246:30PM-8:30PM Arts Focus (AF) CSIP Arts
Nov 27, 20246:30PM-8:30PM  
East York Alternative Secondary School   Alternative (ALT) No grade 9 offered-Virtual information sessions for Alt schools-date TBD
East York Collegiate InstituteNov 27, 20246:30PM-8:30PM French Immersion (FI)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Eastdale Collegiate InstituteNov 26, 20246:00PM-8:00PM Arts Focus (Local) (AF(L))
Integrated Technology (Local) (IT(L))
Emery Collegiate InstituteNov 07, 20247:00PM-8:30PM Math and Science Focus (MST) Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) CSIP MST
Etobicoke Collegiate InstituteNov 28, 20246:00PM-8:00PM Math and Science Focus (Local) (MST(L))
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Etobicoke School of the ArtsNov 04, 20246:00PM-8:30PM Arts Focus (AF) CSIP Arts
Etobicoke Secondary Alternative School  

Contact the school to inquire-Grade 9 courses offered for students 16 +

Forest Hill Collegiate InstituteDec 03, 20246:00PM-7:30PM Math and Science Focus (Local) (MST(L))
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
George S Henry AcademyNov 26, 20246:30PM-8:00PM Math and Science Focus (Local) (MST(L))
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Georges Vanier Secondary SchoolNov 05, 20246:30PM-8:30PM Math and Science Focus (MST) LEAP (LP)
Advanced Placement (AP)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Harbord Collegiate InstituteNov 27, 20246:00PM-7:30PM French Immersion (FI)
Math and Science Focus (Local) (MST(L))
Heydon Park Secondary SchoolNov 28, 20246:00PM-8:00PM  
Humberside Collegiate InstituteDec 12, 20246:30PM-8:00PM French Immersion (FI)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Inglenook Community School   Alternative (ALT) No grade 9 offered-Virtual information sessions for Alt schools-date TBD
Jarvis Collegiate InstituteNov 05, 20246:00PM-8:00PM Math and Science Focus (MST) Advanced Placement (AP)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
John Polanyi Collegiate InstituteNov 06, 20247:00PM-8:30PM Math and Science Focus (MST) CSIP MST
Kipling Collegiate InstituteNov 06, 20246:00PM-8:00PM Math and Science Focus (MST) Integrated Technology (Local) (IT(L))
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Leadership (Local) (LEAD(L))
L'Amoreaux Collegiate InstituteDec 05, 20246:00PM-7:30PM  
Lakeshore Collegiate InstituteNov 19, 20246:30PM-8:30PM Arts Focus (AF)
Math and Science Focus (MST)
Advanced Placement (AP)
French Immersion (FI)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Lawrence Park Collegiate InstituteNov 25, 20246:00PM-7:30PM French Immersion (FI)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Leaside High SchoolNov 28, 20246:00PM-7:30PM French Immersion (FI)  
Lester B Pearson Collegiate InstituteNov 19, 20246:00PM-8:00PM Math and Science Focus (MST) CSIP MST
Malvern Collegiate InstituteDec 04, 20246:00PM-8:00PM French Immersion (FI)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Maplewood High School   By Appointment Only
Marc Garneau Collegiate InstituteNov 06, 20246:00PM-8:00PM Math and Science Focus (MST) Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) CSIP MST
Martingrove Collegiate InstituteNov 26, 20246:00PM-8:00PM Advanced Placement (AP)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Leadership (Local) (LEAD(L))
Monarch Park Collegiate InstituteNov 14, 20246:00PM-8:30PM International Baccalaureate (IB) CSIP IB
Newtonbrook Secondary SchoolNov 28, 20246:00PM-7:30PM French Immersion (FI)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
North Albion Collegiate InstituteDec 03, 20246:30PM-8:30PM Math and Science Focus (Local) (MST(L))
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
North East Secondary Alternative School   Alternative (ALT) No grade 9 offered-Virtual information sessions for Alt schools-date TBD
North Toronto Collegiate InstituteNov 26, 20246:00PM-8:00PM  
North West Secondary Alternative School   Alternative (ALT) No grade 9 offered-Virtual information sessions for Alt schools-date TBD
Northern Secondary SchoolNov 27, 20246:00PM-7:30PM Advanced Placement (AP)
Sec. School without a boundary (SSWAB)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)

Secondary School without a Boundary

Northview Heights Secondary SchoolNov 05, 20246:00PM-8:00PM Arts Focus (AF)
Math and Science Focus (MST)
High Performing Athlete (HP)
Nov 26, 20246:00PM-8:00PM  
Oakwood Collegiate InstituteDec 04, 20246:30PM-8:00PM French Immersion (FI)  
Oasis Alternative Secondary School   Alternative (ALT) Virtual information sessions for Alt schools - date TBD
Parkdale Collegiate InstituteNov 12, 20247:00PM-8:30PM International Baccalaureate (IB) Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) CSIP IB
Parkview Alternative School   Alternative (ALT) Grade 9 courses offered for students 16 +; Virtual information sessions for Alt schools-date TBD
R H King AcademyNov 19, 20246:00PM-8:00PM Leadership Pathway (LEAD) Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) CSIP Leadership
Richview Collegiate InstituteDec 11, 20246:30PM-8:00PM French Immersion (FI)  
Riverdale Collegiate InstituteNov 28, 20246:30PM-8:30PM  
Rosedale Heights School of the ArtsNov 06, 20246:00PM-7:30PM Arts Focus (AF) CSIP Arts
Runnymede Collegiate InstituteNov 19, 20246:30PM-8:00PM Math and Science Focus (MST) Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) CSIP MST
SATEC @ W A Porter Collegiate InstituteNov 21, 20246:00PM-7:30PM Math and Science Focus (MST) CSIP MST
School of Experiential Education   Alternative (ALT) Alt Schools virtual information sessions that offer Gr 9 - date TBD
School of Life Experience   Alternative (ALT) No grade 9 offered-Virtual information sessions for Alt schools-date TBD
SEED Alternative School   Alternative (ALT)
No grade 9 offered-Virtual information sessions for Alt schools-date TBD
Silverthorn Collegiate InstituteJan 09, 20256:30PM-8:30PM High Performing Athlete (HP) High Performing Athlete Program
Sir John A Macdonald Collegiate InstituteDec 03, 20246:30PM-8:00PM Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)  
Sir Oliver Mowat Collegiate InstituteJan 09, 20256:30PM-8:30PM Arts Focus (Local) (AF(L))
Math and Science Focus (Local) (MST(L))
Sir Wilfrid Laurier Collegiate InstituteNov 05, 20246:00PM-7:30PM International Baccalaureate (IB) Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Leadership (Local) (LEAD(L))
South East Secondary Alternative School   Alternative (ALT) No grade 9 offered-Virtual information sessions for Alt schools-date TBD
Stephen Leacock Collegiate InstituteNov 14, 20246:30PM-8:30PM Math and Science Focus (MST) LEAP (LP)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Subway Academy I   Alternative (ALT) No grade 9 offered-Virtual information sessions for Alt schools-date TBD
Subway Academy II   Alternative (ALT) No grade 9 offered-Virtual information sessions for Alt schools-date TBD
THE STUDENT SCHOOL   Alternative (ALT) No grade 9 offered -one on one meetings and school tours - Virtual information sessions for Alt schools-date TBD
Thistletown Collegiate InstituteNov 28, 20246:00PM-7:30PM LEAP (LP)
Advanced Placement (AP)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Ursula Franklin AcademyNov 19, 20245:00PM-8:00PM Integrated Technology (IT) Integrated Technology (Local) (IT(L)) CSIP Intergrated Tech
Victoria Park Collegiate InstituteNov 06, 20246:00PM-8:00PM International Baccalaureate (IB) CSIP IB
Virtual Secondary SchoolNov 21, 20246:00PM-7:00PM

Webinar Link


West End Alternative School   Alternative (ALT)
No grade 9 offered-Virtual information sessions for Alt schools-date TBD
West Hill Collegiate InstituteJan 21, 20256:00PM-8:00PM Math and Science Focus (MST) High Performing Athlete (HP)
Advanced Placement (AP)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
West Humber Collegiate InstituteNov 20, 20246:00PM-8:00PM Math and Science Focus (MST) Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) CSIP MST
Western Technical-Commercial SchoolNov 05, 20246:30PM-8:00PM Arts Focus (AF) Sec. School without a boundary (SSWAB)
Integrated Technology (Local) (IT(L))
Math and Science Focus (Local) (MST(L))
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Leadership (Local) (LEAD(L))

Secondary School without a Boundary

Weston Collegiate InstituteNov 13, 20246:30PM-8:30PM International Baccalaureate (IB) Arts Focus (Local) (AF(L))
Integrated Technology (Local) (IT(L))
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Leadership (Local) (LEAD(L))
Westview Centennial Secondary SchoolNov 13, 20246:00PM-7:30PM Arts Focus (AF) Arts Focus (Local) (AF(L))
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
Wexford Collegiate School for the ArtsNov 12, 20246:00PM-8:00PM Arts Focus (AF)
William Lyon Mackenzie Collegiate InstituteNov 13, 20246:30PM-8:30PM Math and Science Focus (MST) CSIP MST
Dec 12, 20246:30PM-8:30PM  
Winston Churchill Collegiate InstituteNov 06, 20246:00PM-7:30PM Africentric Program (A) Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)  
Woburn Collegiate InstituteNov 13, 20246:00PM-8:30PM Arts Focus (AF) Advanced Placement (AP)
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)


York Humber High SchoolDec 12, 20246:00PM-8:00PM  
York Memorial Collegiate InstituteNov 28, 20246:15PM-8:30PM Advanced Placement (AP)
Math and Science Focus (Local) (MST(L))
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
York Mills Collegiate InstituteNov 27, 20246:00PM-8:00PM French Immersion (FI)
Math and Science Focus (Local) (MST(L))
* Special Event