Toronto District School Board
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Street Directory - Glen Park PS Attendance Area
Records 1 to 50 of 115

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Former MunicipalityStreet NameStreet Number RangeElementaryIntermediateSecondary
North YorkBathurst St2600-3270(Even)Glen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkBathurst St3310-3388(Even)Glen Park PS */ Baycrest PSLedbury Park E & MS */ Baycrest PSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkBenner Ave7-25(Odd)Glen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkBenner Ave8-22(Even)Glen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkBolingbroke RdAll NumbersGlen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkBrookview Dr9-61(Odd)Glen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkBrookview Dr10-66(Even)Glen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkBrookview Dr73-115(Odd)Glen Park PS */ Baycrest PSLedbury Park E & MS */ Baycrest PSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkBrookview Dr76-114(Even)Glen Park PS */ Baycrest PSLedbury Park E & MS */ Baycrest PSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkBrucewood CresAll NumbersGlen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkCapitol AveAll NumbersGlen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkCarousel CrtAll NumbersGlen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkCather Cres60-78(Even)Glen Park PS */ Baycrest PS */ Flemington PSLawrence Heights MS */ Baycrest PSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkChater CrtAll NumbersGlen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkClaver AveAll NumbersGlen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkColdstream Ave500-556(Even)Glen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkColdstream Ave501-555(Odd)Glen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkColdstream Ave593-687(Odd)Glen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkColdstream Ave594-688(Even)Glen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkCork AveAll NumbersGlen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkCorona StAll NumbersGlen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkCovington RdAll NumbersGlen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkDalemount AveAll NumbersGlen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkDanesbury Ave93-111(Odd)Glen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkDanesbury Ave94-108(Even)Glen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkDell Park Ave10-68(Even)Glen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkDell Park Ave15-69(Odd)Glen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkDell Park Ave70-190(Even)Glen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkDell Park Ave71-191(Odd)Glen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkDrexel RdAll NumbersGlen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkDufferin St2747-3057(Odd)Glen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkElway CrtAll NumbersGlen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkEnglemount AveAll NumbersGlen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkEnid CresAll NumbersGlen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkFairholme Ave7-69(Odd)Glen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkFairholme Ave8-68(Even)Glen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkFairholme Ave70-188(Even)Glen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkFairholme Ave71-189(Odd)Glen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkFraserwood AveAll NumbersGlen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkGlen Park Ave1-63(Odd)Glen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkGlen Park Ave10-64(Even)Glen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkGlen Park Ave65-409(Odd)Glen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkGlen Park Ave66-406(Even)Glen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkGlenbrook AveAll NumbersGlen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkGlencairn Ave500-590(Even)Glen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkGlencairn Ave501-589(Odd)Glen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkGlencairn Ave599-1015(Odd)Glen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkGlencairn Ave600-1014(Even)Glen Park PSLawrence Heights MS */ Ledbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkGlengrove Ave501-557(Odd)Glen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
North YorkGlengrove Ave502-558(Even)Glen Park PSLedbury Park E & MSJohn Polanyi CI
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*Students have the option of attending the listed schools. Once you have been admitted to an elementary school, you are expected to attend that school until graduation as long as you continue to live in the school’s attendance area. Once you have been admitted to a secondary school, you are expected to attend that school until graduation. If you wish to attend the other listed school(s), you will have to apply through Out-of-Area Admissions.

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Registration Information

If Northern SS is your designated secondary school by address (i.e., listed in the Secondary column), you will be able to access the school and no application is required.  If Northern SS is your technical and/or commercial option, this only applies for 2024-25 school year. 

Any other technical and/or commercial registration options that are shown only apply for entry during the 2024-25 school year. 

These boundaries will no longer provide access for those students starting in September 2025.

Families can apply to attend these Secondary Schools without a Boundary within the Secondary Out-of-Area Admissions application, which opens on January 6, 2025. The deadline to apply for Out-of-Area Admissions (including SSWAB) is January 24, 2025 at 4 p.m.