Toronto District School Board
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Whitney Junior Public School (GR. JK-06)

Whitney is located in a well-established residential district in the Rosedale/Moore Park area. The first school was built in 1926 and the current building in 1964. Some parents and grandparents of our students also attended the school. In May 2001, we celebrated the school's 75th anniversary.

  • The school population is approximately 280 and most students live in the school's catchment area. 
  • The school has a child care centre and an outstanding record of parental involvement.
  • Staff and parents work together to support School Improvement
  • Many unique initiatives provide enrichment opportunities and experiences for all students.
  • Many opportunities for students to be involved in outreach programs and give to other communities.  
Read More about Whitney Junior Public School
Phone:(416) 393-9380
Address:119 Rosedale Heights Dr, Toronto, ON, M4T 1C7
Principal:Rita Tsiotsikas
Office Staff:Nada Al Sheikh Khalil
School Council Chair(s):Daniela Liscio-Wilson
Melissa Lawrence
Superintendent: Jennifer Chan
Family of School:FOS10
Trustee:Deborah Williams
Ward:Ward 10
PIAC Ward Co-Rep(s):Bruce Oyelowo