Toronto District School Board
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Beverly Glen Junior Public School

Beverly Glen Junior Public School is a Kindergarten to Grade 6 school situated in the northwest portion of the Bridlewood community on Beverly Glen Boulevard. The school first opened in 1972. Presently, the school serves over 450 culturally diverse students in a safe, caring and student-centred environment. As of September 1998, Beverly Glen became a dual track school offering both regular English and French Immersion programs. The parents and students of Beverly Glen have been and continue to be actively involved in the life of the school.  We continue to have an active School Council that supports the school in many ways.

We continue to develop character in all students and this is a shared responsibility between home and school. There is a need for family, community and schools to engage cooperatively to encourage students' learning and maturing as social beings. Throughout the year, we will continue to focus on the 10 attributes identified at the TDSB and we encourage parents to reinforce these attributes at home whenever possible: Respect, Responsibility, Empathy, Kindness and Caring, Teamwork, Fairness, Honesty, Co-operation, Integrity and Perseverance.