Policy Development and Management
(1.8 MB)
To provide a process and instructions for developing and reviewing TDSB policies.
| Procedure |
Operational Procedures
(39.1 KB)
To provide instructions to staff for the development and revision of the Board's operational procedures.
| Procedure |
Translation and Interpretation
(192.3 KB)
To provide information about resources for translations services and the translation of central board material
| Procedure |
Transportation of Students
(42 KB)
To provide administrative processes for the transportation of students in accordance with
Policy P020, Transportation of Students
| Procedure |
Parent Concern Protocol
(21.9 KB)
To outline the procedures for addressing educational concerns brought to staff and trustees by parents. Appropriate flexibility will be exercised in implementing these procedures to suit individual circumstances.
| Procedure |
Independent Learning Centre (ILC) Courses
(19.7 KB)
To provide guidelines for schools to permit students to take ILC courses. Since these courses result in additional central charges to TDSB, it is desirable to minimize the access to the courses.
| Procedure |
Advertising and Distribution of Materials
(147.9 KB)
To outline the central pre-approval process for advertising and distribution of materials at the TDSB through which distribution of materials to TDSB schools are reviewed and approved; and, vendors/service providers/partners who intend to promote their goods or services to TDSB are reviewed and screened.
| Procedure |
(37.1 KB)
To provide guidelines for fundraising activities and administering the funds in accordance with Board Policy P021, Fundraising
| Procedure |
(979.7 KB)
To establish processes and requirements for carrying out safe and inclusive
Excursions in accordance with the Excursions Policy (P033).
| Procedure |
Kindergarten to Grade 2 - New Student Registration: Developmental History Form
(228.8 KB)
To gather information (e.g., strengths, needs, interests, etc.) about students entering school for the first time, in order to provide meaningful and engaging learning experiences for each child; and to ensure that children experience a positive transition to school.
| Procedure |
Architects and Engineering Consultants Selection
(105.1 KB)
To establish measures to ensure fairness and appropriateness during the selection of architects and engineering consultants when required for major and minor projects undertaken by Facility Services.
| Procedure |
Human Rights and Code-Based Workplace Harassment Procedure
(545.5 KB)
To provide information and instruction, regarding the process for how to effectively prevent and, where necessary, address harassment and unlawful discrimination. All parties involved in a matter under these procedures (including staff, management, union/federation/association and Human Rights Office) must work together to prevent and address harassment and unlawful discrimination.
| Procedure |
Supervisory Officer Selection and Transfer of Superintendents
(1.8 MB)
To provide a process for the selection of supervisory officers and transfer of superintendents
| Procedure |
Admission Eligibility Requirements
(1.1 MB)
To outline requirements and processes for the admission of new students.
| Procedure |
Severe Weather
(76.3 KB)
To provide a process to be followed during severe weather conditions, either occurring or predicted
| Procedure |
Access to School Board Premises
(555.9 KB)
To provide guidelines regarding trespass to property at the TDSB
| Procedure |
Search and Seizure
(26.8 KB)
To provide a process for search and seizure
| Procedure |
System Meetings, Events and Professional Development Calendars
(64.5 KB)
To provide information about the system meeting, events and professional learning and training session that are available on TDSBweb
| Procedure |
Learning Opportunities Index
(73 KB)
To provide instructions to staff regarding the application of the Learning Opportunities Index for resource allocation
| Procedure |
Official or High-profile Visits
(138.7 KB)
To provide guidance for the authorization, preparation and handling of visits to schools and other Board sites by high-profile visitors/guests, such as dignitaries, politicians, and celebrities
| Procedure |
Selection and Review of Learning Resources
(209 KB)
To outline the requirements and process for selecting and reviewing learning resources and to establish a framework for responding to inquiries and concerns about learning resources, including requests for reconsideration.
| Procedure |
Election Activities and Use of Board Resources
(138.8 KB)
To establish the rules which govern and regulate election activities and use of Board resources.
| Procedure |
(138.8 KB)
To establish a process for the administration of medication to students.
| Procedure |
Head Lice (Pediculosis)
(27.2 KB)
To outline a uniform approach to addressing the issue of head lice (pediculosis) in schools
| Procedure |
Funds for School Anniversary Celebrations
(50.4 KB)
To outline the allocation of funds for school anniversaries by 25-year intervals
| Procedure |
Non-discretionary and Discretionary Student Transfers
(134 KB)
To establish a process for the transfer and placement of students for reasons related to caring and safe schools issues
| Procedure |
Changing a Timetable
(112 KB)
To provide details about the steps necessary to change a school timetable
| Procedure |
Transitions: Kindergarten - Grade 12
(492.7 KB)
To outline a framework for elementary and secondary school educators to support successful student transitions as students move through grades, programs and placements from Kindergarten through Grade 12 centering mental health, well-being and equity.
| Procedure |
Opening and Closing Exercises
(117.1 KB)
To provide information about opening and closing exercises in schools
| Procedure |
Out of Area Admissions (formerly Optional Attendance)
(239.2 KB)
To outline the process to access schools outside a student’s designated attendance area.
| Procedure |
Prior Learning Equivalent Credits
(101.7 KB)
To outline the process related to the granting of prior learning equivalent credits that is consistent with provincial policy
| Procedure |
Animals in Classrooms
(91.2 KB)
To outline the guidelines to allow for the classroom experience of animals in the classroom
| Procedure |
Safeguarding School Assets
(78.1 KB)
To provide a checklist to safeguard TDSB assets when not in use
| Procedure |
Home Schooling
(40.8 KB)
To provide direction for establishing home schooling
| Procedure |
Home Instruction
(250.2 KB)
To provide a process for home instruction services in accordance with the Education Act when eligible pupils are not able to attend for medical and/or social-emotional reasons.
| Procedure |
Bus Accident
(109.5 KB)
To provide a process to be implemented in the event of a bus accident
| Procedure |
Behaviour on Buses
(332.5 KB)
To outline the responsibility of parents/guardians, principals and students concerning behaviour on school buses.
| Procedure |
Parent and Community Involvement
(227.5 KB)
To provide a procedure for implementation of the Board's Parent and Community Involvement policy
| Procedure |
Dealing with Abuse and Neglect of Students
(749 KB)
To provide guidelines for dealing with incidents of suspected abuse or neglect of students
| Procedure |
(980.1 KB)
To provide instructions for anaphylaxis management in schools.
| Procedure |
Nutrition Services Safety Standards
(39.6 KB)
To outline safety standards for Nutrition Services employees
| Procedure |
Internal Mail
(41.9 KB)
To provide details about internal mail
| Procedure |
Crisis and Incident Reporting
(64.6 KB)
To ensure system understanding of the crisis notification procedures, during business hours and on evenings, weekends and holidays
| Procedure |
Code of On-line Conduct
(89.5 KB)
To outline the code of behaviour and rules for the use of online systems and resources
| Procedure |
E-Mail Usage
(78.5 KB)
To guide staff in the appropriate, ethical use of e-mail provided by the TDSB to facilitate TDSB business.
| Procedure |
Access to Schools by Third Party Professionals
(185.4 KB)
To provide a process by which approval may be obtained to allow a third party professional to gain access to a student’s classroom.
| Procedure |
Parenting and Family Literacy Centres Distribution
(24.3 KB)
To establish a procedure for the relocation of existing parenting and family literacy centres and the identification of locations for new parenting and family literacy centre
| Procedure |
Student Activity Fees And Course Cost Fees, including French
(26 KB)
To provide guidelines for the administration of student activity fees and course cost fees
| Procedure |
Clean Intermittent Catheterization And Suctioning, Lifting, Positioning, Physical Management And Act
(1.8 MB)
To establish the responsibilities for school health support services shared between the Board and the Community Care Access Centre, Bloorview Kids Rehab and Hospital for Sick Children's, to ensure that no school-aged child is denied access to education because of special health support needs
| Procedure |
Web Site Development
(74.3 KB)
To establish standards and procedures for the development of TDSB web sites and define roles and responsibilities
| Procedure |