Policy Framework
(21.6 KB)
To establish governing principles for Board policies
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Mission, Values and Goals
(118.7 KB)
1) To outline the Board’s vision and educational aspirations; 2) To identify the fundamental convictions of the Board; and 3) To share the Board’s commitments with school communities, educational partners, and the public.
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Arts Foundation
(70.5 KB)
To state the Toronto District School Board's commitment to all of the arts - dance, drama, music and visual arts
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Advertising and Distribution of Materials
(52.8 KB)
To establish parameters related to advertising on Board property including distribution of advertising materials to students, parents/guardians and staff.
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Leasing of Surplus School Properties
(114 KB)
To identify the principles guiding the leasing of surplus school properties
| Policy |
Community Use of Board Facilities (Permits)
(542.7 KB)
To ensure that community groups/organizations have fair and equitable access to Board facilities when they are not being used for educational purposes.
| Policy |
Budget Approval
(20.5 KB)
To identify critical information that must be included when budget matters are considered
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Out-of-Area Admissions (formerly Optional Attendance)
(181.4 KB)
To provide policy direction about access to schools outside a student’s designated attendance area; and,
To affirm the Board’s commitment to providing strong programming in local schools and to ensure equitable educational access, experiences, and opportunities for all students in alignment with the recommendations made in the Enhancing Equity Task force, the equity priorities of the Multi-Year Strategic Plan and the vision of Secondary Program Review.
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Staff Changes
(30.5 KB)
To establish the approval levels for staff changes
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Hiring of Students
(56.9 KB)
To establish the parameters for hiring students
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Employee and Trustee Expenses
(17.1 KB)
To set out the rules that apply to employees and trustees for expenses incurred in carrying out their responsibilities while representing the interests of students, the community and/or the Board.
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(30.1 KB)
To establish administrative requirements for the purchase and supply of materials, equipment
and services
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Continuing Education
(77.5 KB)
To affirm the Board's commitment to provide Continuing Education programs
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Transportation of Students
(213.3 KB)
To establish the criteria for the equitable provision of student transportation and safety measures that will be taken.
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(19.7 KB)
To provide guidelines to direct schools when planning fundraising activities
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Early Learning and Care
(80.5 KB)
To guide system planning, implementation, and improvement across a range of early years programs for children from birth to age 12. These include child care in schools, child and family programs, Full-Day Kindergarten (FDK) and elementary education, and before- and after-school programs.
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Parent and Caregiver Engagement
(152.8 KB)
To establish a framework for shared responsibilities of parents/guardians/ caregivers, the Board, and the trustees for the implementation of effective strategies to increase and improve effective parent/guardian/caregiver engagement in the Board.
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Educational Programming Partnerships
(574.1 KB)
To govern TDSB educational programming partnerships with the communities, health, arts, social service, education, labour, small business, and corporate sectors; both locally and internationally.
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Architect Selection
(25.5 KB)
To set out requirements for architect selection committees for major projects.
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The Environment
(25.1 KB)
To state the Board’s commitment to the focus areas for sustaining the environment: mitigation, adaptation, and education practices within its control
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Employment Equity and Inclusive Employment
(162.2 KB)
To affirm the Board’s commitment to establishing transparent and consistent employment practices while upholding human rights and based on the principles of equity, anti-racism, anti-oppression and fairness.
To support a commitment to fair hiring, promotion and retention practices based on qualifications and experience while fostering a workforce that reflects, understands and responds to the diversity of the students that TDSB serves.
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Human Rights
(267.8 KB)
To protect, promote and advance the human rights of all TDSB members (see definition below) to learn, function and work in an equitable, accessible, respectful and inclusive environment free of discrimination and harassment on the basis of the protected grounds of discrimination specified in this Policy and protected under the Ontario Human Rights Code.
| Policy |
(45.3 KB)
To establish the Board’s commitment to and a basis for the full and equitable
inclusion of all students in curriculum-based excursions while ensuring that all
barriers to access are removed and that safety, accountability and transparency
are paramount.
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Workplace Harassment Prevention for Non-Human-Rights-Code Harassment
(118 KB)
To promote a healthy, respectful and supportive work environment. It highlights conduct that may amount to non-Code workplace harassment (i.e. harassment that is not covered by the Board’s Human Rights Policy or the Human Rights Code) and outlines the system’s shared responsibility for fostering a harassment-free workplace.
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Nutrition Foundation
(85.9 KB)
To state the Board's commitment to working with community partners to ensure that students have equitable access to high quality school-based nutrition programs
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(39.4 KB)
To establish the Board’s belief that homework is an engaging and relevant learning activity. To establish the Board’s commitment to the assignment of homework in a purposefully planned manner that is directly connected to a student’s school program and learning expectations of the Ontario Curriculum
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(486.8 KB)
To ensure that Fairness, Equity, Diversity, Acceptance, Inclusion, and the elimination of all forms of Discrimination are essential principles of our school system and are integrated into all TDSB policies, procedures, programs, operations, and practices.
| Policy |
Transforming Student Learning in Literacy and Mathematics
(248.7 KB)
To affirm the Board’s commitment to improve outcomes for all students and to develop and deliver strong, effective literacy and mathematics programs in all TDSB schools.
| Policy |
Electronic Participation in Board and Committee Meetings
(89 KB)
To govern electronic participation by Trustees in the meetings of the Board of Trustees and its Committees in accordance with the Education Act and its regulations.
| Policy |
Accountability for Student Achievement
(79.5 KB)
To outline the Toronto District School Board's principles regarding accountability for student achievement
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Student Dress
(94.3 KB)
To provide students with learning environments that are safe, equitable, welcoming and inclusive and recognizes that decisions about dress reflect individual expression of identity, socio-cultural norms, and economic factors and are personal and important factors to a person’s health and well-being.
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Dealing With Abuse and Neglect of Students
(182.8 KB)
1.1 To provide a safe, nurturing, positive, and respectful learning environment focused on
preventing abuse and neglect for all students.
1.2 To educate students about abuse and neglect.
1.3 To train employees about abuse and neglect.
1.4 To inform volunteers working with students about their legal duty to report abuse and
neglect - suspected, witnessed and/or disclosed.
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Naming Schools, Teams, and Special-Purpose Areas
(166.5 KB)
To establish guiding principles for the naming and renaming of schools, teams, and special-purpose areas consistent with the Board’s Mission, Values and Goals Policy (P002), the Human Rights Policy (P031), the Equity Policy (P037) and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
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Occupational Health and Safety
(94.7 KB)
To establish the Board’s commitment to the well-being of workers through the promotion of health and safety in the workplace and active participation of all workers in the prevention of accidents.
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Performance Management: Director of Education
(36.6 KB)
A Performance Management Process will be used to develop clear objectives for the Board and the Director of Education and to provide an annual evaluation of the Director’s work.
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Caring and Safe Schools
(189.9 KB)
To ensure that all students feel that they belong, are heard, accepted, safe, supported and cared for through the creation of positive school climates that reflect themselves, value their voices and foster a culture of mutual respect and healthy relationships.
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Selection, Promotion and Placement of School Principals and Vice-principals
(19.1 KB)
To establish the Board's commitment to the provision of exemplary leadership through the selection of its principals and vice-principals
| Policy |
Supervisory Officer Selection
(28.2 KB)
To establish the Board's commitment to the provision of exemplary leadership through the selection of its supervisory officers
| Policy |
Employee Conflict of Interest
(59.6 KB)
To establish the parameters for employee conduct regarding possible conflict of interest situations
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Home Instruction
(45.3 KB)
To establish the Board's commitment to providing home instruction services for all eligible pupils in accordance with the requirements of Ontario Regulation 298 (Operation of Schools - General).
| Policy |
Students Without Legal Immigration Status
(15.9 KB)
To establish the Board's commitment to providing a safe and welcoming environment for its students regardless of immigration status
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Alternative Schools
(66.8 KB)
To ensure equitable access, admissions, and opportunities for all students in
alignment with the priorities of the Multi-Year Strategic Plan; to provide direction to Alternative Schools on the development, monitoring and
review of the school’s distinct pedagogy; and, to provide direction on the creation of Alternative Schools.
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Pre-Examination Moratorium On Major Assignments and Activities
(26.4 KB)
To provide the basis for a procedure for schools to follow during pre-examination periods
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Reporting of Suspected Wrongdoing (Whistleblowing)
(143.7 KB)
To ensure ethical and professional conduct at the Toronto District School Board (Board) and to demonstrate the Board’s commitment to maintaining and enhancing public confidence in the integrity of its trustees and employees; to ensure protection against reprisal related to reporting of suspected wrongdoing.
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Learning Opportunities Index
(22.1 KB)
Policy Consultation
To provide direction to staff regarding the use of the Learning Opportunities Index
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Accommodation and Program Review
(4.6 MB)
To provide guidance and to set parameters for processes leading to changes in the location of schools and programs, consolidation of schools, and changes in the grades and/or programs within specific schools.
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(138.4 KB)
To establish the framework for the Board’s compliance with the Accessibility for
Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the Integrated Accessibility Standards
Regulation; and to demonstrate the Board’s commitment in actively removing barriers and increasing accessibility and participation for all members of its community and
maintain compliance through this Policy.
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Student Leadership
(159.7 KB)
To further the Board's commitment of expanding platforms for student voice
and establishing a governance framework for equitable, effective and efficient student representation and leadership across the system.
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Gender-based Violence
(45.2 KB)
To establish the Board’s commitment to eliminating gender-based violence in its school
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Workplace Violence Prevention
(82.8 KB)
To affirm the Board's commitment to providing a safe, nurturing, positive learning and working environment, free of workplace violence, where every individual is treated with dignity and respect in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
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