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P013 Out-of-Area Admissions (formerly Optional Attendance) (181.4 KB)
To provide policy direction about access to schools outside a student’s designated attendance area; and, To affirm the Board’s commitment to providing strong programming in local schools and to ensure equitable educational access, experiences, and opportunities for all students in alignment with the recommendations made in the Enhancing Equity Task force, the equity priorities of the Multi-Year Strategic Plan and the vision of Secondary Program Review.
PR515 Human Rights and Code-Based Workplace Harassment Procedure (545.5 KB)
To provide information and instruction, regarding the process for how to effectively prevent and, where necessary, address harassment and unlawful discrimination. All parties involved in a matter under these procedures (including staff, management, union/federation/association and Human Rights Office) must work together to prevent and address harassment and unlawful discrimination.
PR531 Selection and Review of Learning Resources (209 KB)
To outline the requirements and process for selecting and reviewing learning resources and to establish a framework for responding to inquiries and concerns about learning resources, including requests for reconsideration.
504A Student Transportation Application (352.9 KB)
P074 Honoraria for Trustees (107.8 KB)
To establish the components and calculation of honoraria for Trustees for the annual term of office, in accordance with the requirements as set out in section 4(1) of Ontario Regulation 357/06, Honoraria for Board Members under the Education Act.
P093 Trustee Pregnancy and Parental Leave (134.5 KB)
To outline Trustees’ rights to pregnancy and parental leave in accordance with the Education Act and the Board’s Bylaws.
P075 Board Member Code of Conduct (238.9 KB)
To establish governing principles and standards for expected ethical behavior by Members of the Board.
P070 Student Leadership (159.7 KB)
To further the Board's commitment of expanding platforms for student voice and establishing a governance framework for equitable, effective and efficient student representation and leadership across the system.
PR560 Dealing with Abuse and Neglect of Students (749 KB)
To provide guidelines for dealing with incidents of suspected abuse or neglect of students
PR748 Attendance Support (215.6 KB) New!
The Attendance Support Procedure (PR748) was developed to support the Ministry of Education’s Policy and Program Memoranda (PPM) 171: Attendance Support Programs. The purpose of the Attendance Support Program (ASP) is to address issues of excessive absenteeism while ensuring that all employees of the Board are treated in an equitable manner.