Toronto District School Board
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St. Andrew's Middle School (GR. 06-08)

Health and Safety (H&S) workplace inspections are conducted every month in all of our 582 operating schools. Below you can find the H&S reports for your school, for the 2021-2022 school years.  More information and Frequently Asked Questions

Date InspectedLocation in SchoolHealth & Safety Issue ObservedClassAction Taken ByDate Action TakenDetails
09/29/23301Ainappropriate storage of materials/furniture/shelving, or clutterBCaretaker09/29/23Details
11/29/23305exposed wiring/damaged cord/ground pin missingACaretaker12/08/23Details
11/29/23300ceiling tiles missing/looseACaretaker12/08/23Details
12/23/23staff workroom microwave stickers missingBCaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/23111combustible material being displayed that is not fire rated/treatedACaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/23310ceiling tiles missing/looseACaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/23310trip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials)ACaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/23306trip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials)ACaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/23304combustible material being displayed that is not fire rated/treatedACaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/23304trip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials)ACaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/23311extinguisher - tag missing or annual inspection more than 3 months overdueACaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/23301Aimproper storage - heavy containers must be stored on lower shelvingBCaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/23301Abroken glass container is required in science storage/prep roomBCaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/23301Aeyewash station required or in need of repair (specify)ACaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/23301Acarts for transporting chemicals do not have 4 sidesBCaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/23fan room 3extinguisher - tag missing or annual inspection more than 3 months overdueACaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/23Fan Room 2extinguisher - tag missing or annual inspection more than 3 months overdueACaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/23staffroomESA Poster What You Should Know About the Employee Standards Act"ACaretaker Details
12/23/23staffroomJoint Health and Safety Committee 'Terms of Reference'BCaretaker01/08/24Details
12/23/23exit 5door/access door (specify)ACaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/23staffroomNames and Locations of Certified First Aiders on siteBCaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/233rd floor fan rmextinguisher - tag missing or annual inspection more than 3 months overdueACaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/23staffroomPO34 TDSB Harassment PolicyBCaretaker01/08/24Details
12/23/23staffroomPO72 TDSB Workplace Violence Prevention PolicyBCaretaker01/08/24Details
12/23/23102 Designceiling tiles missing/looseACaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/23102 Designtrip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials)ACaretaker01/08/24Details
12/23/23102 Designdamaged surface (ie: wall, ceiling, flashing, drywall, flooring, stairs)ACaretaker01/08/24Details
12/23/23boiler roomeyewash station required or in need of repair (specify)ACaretaker01/03/24Details
12/23/233rd floor fan rmegress blocked or insufficient path (doorway, hallway or stairwell)BCaretaker01/03/24Details
01/04/24100 art roomtrip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials)ACaretaker01/08/24Details
02/28/24107trip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials)ACaretaker04/19/24Details
02/28/24105trip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials)ACaretaker04/19/24Details
02/28/24103trip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials)ACaretaker04/19/24Details
02/28/24102 Designunable to inspect (specify why if possible)ACaretaker04/19/24Details
03/19/24boiler roomeyewash station required or in need of repair (specify)ACaretaker04/19/24Details
04/18/24kitchenextension cord/power bar - inappropriate use of extension cord/power bar (be specific)BCaretaker06/01/24Details
05/22/24boiler roomeyewash station required or in need of repair (specify)ACaretaker05/27/24Details
06/03/24Main Office ComplexWorkplace Inspection FormBCaretaker06/04/24Details
06/03/24Main Office ComplexWork Refusal GuidelineBCaretaker06/04/24Details
06/03/24Main Office ComplexWHMIS 2015 Symbol PosterBCaretaker06/04/24Details
06/03/24Main Office ComplexPO72 TDSB Workplace Violence Prevention PolicyBCaretaker06/04/24Details
06/03/24Main Office ComplexPO48 TDSB Occupational Health & Safety PolicyBCaretaker06/04/24Details
06/03/24Main Office ComplexOccupational Health & Safety ActBCaretaker06/04/24Details
06/03/24Main Office ComplexJoint Health and Safety Committee 'Terms of Reference'BCaretaker06/04/24Details
06/03/24Main Office ComplexJoint Health & Safety Committee meeting minutes not posted (including names and contact numbers)BCaretaker06/04/24Details
06/03/24Main Office ComplexHealth and Safety Concern Form/Near Miss Incident FormBCaretaker06/04/24Details
06/03/24Main Office ComplexEmployee's Report of Workplace Violent Incident BCaretaker06/04/24Details
06/03/24Main Office ComplexEmployee's Report of Accident/Injury FormBCaretaker06/04/24Details
06/03/24Main Office ComplexGuide to Occupational Health & Safety Reporting FormsBCaretaker06/04/24Details
06/03/24Main Office ComplexNames and Locations of Certified First Aiders on siteBCaretaker06/04/24Details
06/03/24Main Office Complexventilation (specify)ACaretaker06/04/24Details
06/03/24Gymnasium equipment damaged or improperly stored (specify)BCaretaker06/04/24Details
06/03/24library complextrip hazard (i.e. flooring, other materials)ACaretaker06/04/24Details
06/03/24library complexequipment damaged or improperly stored (specify)BCaretaker06/04/24Details
06/03/24Main Office ComplexPO34 TDSB Harassment PolicyBCaretaker06/04/24Details