Toronto District School Board
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Facility Condition Index

2022 -2023

The Facility Condition Index (FCI) rating is a measurement of the condition of a school building. It does not reflect on the safety of the building.

The health and safety of students, staff and community members are our top priority when planning school repairs. Our Facility Services staff works year-round to ensure our schools are safe regardless of their FCI rating.

Almost half of TDSB school buildings were built more than 60 years ago. Older schools often have a higher FCI rating as some building components such as walls, lights, floors and ventilation systems may require major repairs or replacement.

51.03 %

Renewal Needs Backlog

The Toronto District School Board’s Renewal Needs Backlog (RNB) list identifies approximately 20,400 different repairs needed in our schools. The total value of those repairs was $4.2 billion as of March 2023.

For the 2022-2023 school year, the TDSB  received $292 million in provincial funding. These funds will be used to replace/repair building components identified during the Ministry’s school inspections, helping reduce the FCI of school buildings.

It is important to understand that these repairs do not represent a health or safety concern. Safety is a top priority for us at the TDSB and our maintenance plans are always focused on providing safe places for our students and staff. In order to do that, we fix the most critical problems related to health and safety first. Also, while components in a school building may be past their life expectancy (e.g. water boiler), they are in good condition and meet all required safety codes.


Urgent Building systems that are in critical condition and have surpassed their useful service life. These systems are very important to the operation of the building (e.g. boilers, other heat generating systems, fire alarm, sprinkler system, standpipe system, public address system, roofing, etc.). Although there is no specific timeframe to repair/replace these systems, it is recommended to do it as soon as funding becomes available.
High Building systems that are in critical or poor condition and their importance to the operation of the building is less than those classified as “urgent” (e.g. brick work, exterior doors, exterior windows, rooftop units, etc.). There is no specific timeframe to repair/replace these systems; however, repair/replacement is recommended as soon as funding becomes available.
Medium Building systems that are in fair condition with low importance to the operation of the building (e.g. floor finishes, washroom partitions, millwork, etc.).
Low Building systems that are in fair or good condition with very low importance to the operation of the building (e.g. wall partitions, interior wall finishes, interior doors, fences, etc.).
Brief DescriptionPriority
A101004 Standard Foundations Repairs - Parging repairs RenewalUrgent
Auxiliary Equipment - HVAC Pumps RenewalUrgent
Auxiliary Equipment - Heat Exchanger - Shell & Tube RenewalUrgent
Air Handling Units - AHU #1, #2, #3 and #4 RenewalHigh
B2030 Exterior Doors - Hollow Metal RenewalHigh
B203008 Exterior Doors - Hardware RenewalHigh
C1030 - Fittings - Washroom RenewalHigh
C301005 Wall Finishes - Paint - Older RenewalHigh
C302003 Floor Finishes - Wood RenewalHigh
C302004 Floor Finishes - Vinyl Tile RenewalHigh
Controls and Instrumentation - Pneumatic RenewalHigh
Cooling Generating Systems - CU #1 and #2 RenewalHigh
Distribution Systems - Exhaust Systems - Centrifugal RenewalHigh
Domestic Water Distribution - DH Water Storage Tank RenewalHigh
Electrical Service and Distribution - Motor Control Centres RenewalHigh
Electrical Service and Distribution - Panelboards RenewalHigh
Exterior Windows - Original RenewalHigh
Fin Tube Radiation Units - Perimeter Heating RenewalHigh
G202003 Parking Lots - Paved - Resurface Asphalt Paved Parking Area RenewalHigh
G204001 Fencing and Gates - Chain Link Fence - RenewalHigh
G204001 Fencing and Gates - Wrought Iron Fencing RenewalHigh
G204002 Retaining Walls - Rail Ties RenewalHigh
Lighting and Branch Wiring - Exterior Lighting - Pole Mounted RenewalHigh
Lighting and Branch Wiring - Exterior Lighting - Wall Mounted RenewalHigh
Main Switchboards - Switchgear RenewalHigh
Playing Fields - Soccer field RenewalHigh
Plumbing Fixtures - Washroom RenewalHigh
Roof Coverings - Skylights RenewalHigh
C101003 Partitions - Moveable - Foldable Partition (Classroom) RenewalMedium
C1020 Interior Doors - Hollow Metal / Wood Single Door RenewalMedium
C102007 Interior Doors - Hardware RenewalMedium
Ceiling Finishes - Acoustic Tile RenewalMedium
Fittings - Millwork RenewalMedium
Lighting and Branch Wiring - Branch Wiring - Cabling, Raceways & Bus Ducts Low Density RenewalMedium
Pedestrian Paving - Interlock RenewalMedium
Pedestrian Paving - Playground RenewalMedium

Learn More

Learn more about the Renewal Needs Backlog and the Facility Condition Index, both of which include related Frequently Asked Questions.