Brief Description | Priority |
Auxiliary Equipment - HVAC Pumps Renewal | Urgent |
Auxiliary Equipment - Heat Exchanger - Plate Renewal | Urgent |
Auxiliary Equipment - Stacks & Breaching - B#3 and B#4 Renewal | Urgent |
Electrical Service and Distribution - Panel Renewal | Urgent |
Electrical Service and Distribution - Secondary Transformer Renewal | Urgent |
Elevators and Lifts - Wheelchair Lift Renewal | Urgent |
Heating/Chilling Water Distribution Systems - 1956 Renewal | Urgent |
Roof Coverings - Section A,B1,B2,B3,C,C2,F,F1,F2,F3,G,H Renewal | Urgent |
Air Handling Units - Supply Fans - Original Renewal | High |
Auxiliary Equipment - Chemical Feed Systems Renewal | High |
Auxiliary Equipment - Humidifier Renewal | High |
B201014 Exterior Walls - Masonry Re-pointing Renewal | High |
Branch Wiring Renewal | High |
C1020 Interior Doors - Older Renewal | High |
C102007 Interior Doors - Hardware - Older Renewal | High |
C103001 Fittings - Washroom Partitions - Water Closet Renewal | High |
C103002 Fittings - Washroom Accessories Renewal | High |
C103009 Fittings - Millwork - Classrooms - Older Renewal | High |
C302004 Floor Finishes - Vinyl Tile - Older Renewal | High |
Chilled Water Systems - Chiller #1 (M9) - 1994 Building Renewal | High |
Chilled Water Systems - Cooling Tower Renewal | High |
Controls and Instrumentation - Pneumatic Renewal | High |
Domestic Water Distribution - DHW Pumps Renewal | High |
Domestic Water Distribution - Natural Gas DWH Renewal | High |
Domestic Water Distribution - Pipes and Fittings - Original Renewal | High |
Energy Supply System - Natural Gas Renewal | High |
Exhaust Systems - Axial Renewal | High |
Exhaust Systems - Centrifugal Renewal | High |
Exterior Doors - 1956 Building - Hollow Metal Door Renewal | High |
Exterior Windows - Glazing Units - 1956 Building Renewal | High |
Floor Finishes - Carpet Flooring Renewal | High |
G204001 Fencing and Gates - Chain Link Fence Renewal | High |
G204071 Playing Fields - Unpaved Renewal | High |
Lighting Equipment - Exterior Lighting - High Pressure Sodium Renewal | High |
Perimeter Heating - Terminal Units Renewal | High |
Plumbing Fixtures - Lavatories Renewal | High |
Plumbing Fixtures - Urinals Renewal | High |
Plumbing Fixtures - Water Closets Renewal | High |
Plumbing Fixtures - Water Fountains Renewal | High |
Terminal and Package Units - Unit Ventilators Renewal | High |
B203008 Exterior Doors - Hardware - Older Renewal | Medium |
B308020 Exterior Soffits Renewal | Medium |
C1010 Partitions - Localized Deficiencies Renewal | Medium |
Ceiling Finishes - 1956 Building - Hallways - Suspended Ceiling Tiles Renewal | Low |
Controls and Instrumentation - BAS Renewal | Low |
Exterior Doors - 1994 Building - Hollow Metal Door Renewal | Low |
Exterior Doors - Electric Door Operators Renewal | Low |
Fittings - Blinds Renewal | Low |
Fittings - Chalkboards Renewal | Low |
Fittings - Retractable Lunch Tables Renewal | Low |
Floor Finishes - Ceramic Tile - 1956 Building Renewal | Low |
Floor Finishes - Classrooms - Vinyl Tiles - 1994 Building Renewal | Low |
Floor Finishes - Hallways and Gym - Vinyl Tiles - 1994 Building Renewal | Low |
Playing Fields - Asphalt Paved Playgrounds Renewal | Low |
Playing Fields - Hilan Playscape - Unpaved Renewal | Low |
Playing Fields - Playscape - Unpaved Renewal | Low |
Wall Finishes - Painted - Classrooms Renewal | Low |
Wall Finishes - Painted - Hallways Renewal | Low |