Toronto District School Board

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Toronto District School Board

Reducing Respiratory Viruses in Schools

Categories: Advocacy

September 19, 2023

The Honourable Stephen Lecce
Education Minister of Ontario


Dear Minister Lecce, 

I am writing to you on behalf of our Board of Trustees to address several matters that affect the well-being of our students and staff at the Toronto District School Board. 

Throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) has done everything possible, including securing more than 16,000 HEPA filters for all occupied learning spaces, to ensure the health and safety of all our school community members.  

On September 11, 2023, Toronto Public Health presented crucial information to our Board of Trustees regarding what they referred to as the 'triple threat' of respiratory viruses, which includes COVID-19, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), and influenza. These viruses not only impact student health but also school attendance for both students and staff, and affect the overall well-being of students and staff. In addition, data collected by Toronto Public Health in 2020 and 2021 shows higher and disproportionate rates of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations among lower-income and racialized communities. As you are aware, schools, as congregate settings, can play a pivotal role in reducing the spread of respiratory viruses. 

To address these concerns and guarantee the safest possible learning environments for our students and staff, I am requesting the following: 

  1. Updates to Air Quality Standards and Guidance for public schools,  

  1. Dedicated Capital Operating Funding Envelopes for reducing the spread of illness, and  

  1. Supporting Public Health Promotion Activities in and around schools. 

We strongly encourage you to update air quality standards and guidance for public school buildings, as this will assist schools in creating environments that are not only conducive to learning but also prioritize the health and safety of all our students and staff.  

We know schools as congregate settings can continue to play a positive and proactive role in reducing the spread of respiratory viruses. As you are aware, ventilation plays a crucial role in reducing the concentration of contaminants in the air and improving indoor air quality. We are encouraged by recent recommendations and standards set by the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) to enhance indoor air quality in both new and existing buildings. 

I am also requesting predictable and dedicated capital and operating funding envelopes specifically aimed at reducing the spread of respiratory illness in schools. These funds would serve two primary purposes: to build upon previous provincial investments, as well as to support public health promotion activities both within and around our schools. Collaboration with Toronto Public Health will be instrumental in achieving this goal.  

Thank you for your attention to these important issues. I look forward to your response and welcome the opportunity to discuss the matter further with you at your earliest convenience.  



Rachel Chernos Lin 
Toronto District School Board 


Ontario Public School Boards’ Association
The Honourable Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health for Ontario
The Honourable Paul Calandra, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Dr. Kieran Moore, Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health
Councillor Chris Moise, Chair of Toronto Board of Health



Response received on January 11, 2024, from the Ministry of Education stating that they will continue to work with Public Health Units to implement the School Health Standard, emphasizing health promotion, immunization, and ongoing COVID-19 vaccination efforts, without additional funding to the TDSB.