Toronto District School Board

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Toronto District School Board

Trustees Vote to Fully Cooperate with Ministry Investigation & Accelerate Review of Excursions Policy

Categories: News

Trustees with Toronto District School Board have unanimously approved a motion confirming the board’s full cooperation with the Ministry of Education’s recently announced investigation into a field trip to the Grassy Narrows River Run that occurred on Wednesday, September 18.

During a Special Board Meeting on Wednesday, Trustees asked the Chair of the Board to write a letter to the Ministry of Education requesting the following:

  • That the investigator include recommendations to support the review of relevant policies and procedures, taking into account current Ministry curriculum requirements and the Board’s obligations to the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Education Act, the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, and the Board’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan;

  • That the investigation is assigned Ministry resources to allow it to be concluded in a timely manner, ideally no later than December 1, 2024;

  • That the final report be provided to the Board of Trustees and Board administration;

  • That a public version of the Ministry’s investigator’s final report be provided to the Toronto District School Board to post on its website in compliance with relevant privacy legislation, the Human Rights Code, Occupational Health and Safety Act and other applicable laws, and TDSB policies;

  • monthly updates on the status of the investigation until it is completed.

The Board of Trustees also voted to advance the scheduled review of TDSB‘s excursion policy from the 2027–2028 school year to the current school year. During the special board meeting, the acting Director of Education reiterated the temporary suspension of school field trips to protests, marches and rallies. The Director further informed Trustees that as a result of the Ministry’s investigation, TDSB has suspended its internal investigation and will refocus its efforts to cooperate with the Ministry’s investigation.