Toronto District School Board

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Toronto District School Board

Heat Warning Update

Categories: News

All TDSB Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers,

As you’re likely aware, Environment Canada has issued a Heat Warning for Toronto with daytime temperatures forecast to reach the low thirties, with humidex values around forty degrees. This heat is expected to continue into Thursday.

Across the TDSB, while some schools are fully air conditioned and some are partially air conditioned, others have no air conditioning and the extreme heat will result in uncomfortable conditions. Please encourage children to wear light clothing and drink lots of water throughout the school day to stay well hydrated.

During this time, staff will also do everything possible to help alleviate some of the discomfort being experienced by students, including:

  • Turning off lights and/or pulling down blinds and closing curtains
  • Keeping doors and windows open, where possible
  • Using fans to provide air movement, where possible
  • Rotating staff and students into air conditioned areas within the school, where available (e.g. cooling stations in the library or gym).
  • Reduce strenuous activities, including gym, sports activities, and recess.

Closing schools during a heat warning is not an action typically taken by TDSB or other school boards across the province, as it would put parents/guardians/caregivers in the challenging position of having to find childcare with very short notice, which is not always possible.

We thank you for your patience and understanding. In addition to the warm weather update shared in TDSB Connects, please find information and extreme heat resources at