Toronto District School Board

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Toronto District School Board

Indigenous Education Month at the TDSB

Categories: News

November is Indigenous Education Month at the Toronto District School Board.

Throughout the month, students, staff, and community members honour a number of important days to deepen knowledge, to learn from our shared histories, and to strengthen relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples.  

It is important that we remember to centre First Nations, Métis, and Inuit perspectives, voices, histories, and contemporary realities across the TDSB every day. This month places emphasis on creating opportunities to learn from Indigenous perspectives on treaties, leadership, achievements, resurgence, futurities, and creativity. 

The TDSB is committed to the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action (TRC) and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. 

Below is a list of significant dates throughout the month of November:

  • Treaties Recognition Week is the first full week of November, from November 3-9
  • November 7 is International Inuit Day
  • November 8 is National Indigenous Veterans Day
  • November 16 is Louis Riel Day in Ontario

The Urban Indigenous Education Centre will host virtual events to support students and staff to learn from Indigenous Peoples.  Resources can be found on the Urban Indigenous Education Centre website.

For more information about upcoming events, please visit MyPath.

November is indigenous education month