PHONE NUMBER: (416) 394-3080


Rawlinson Community School's Mission Statement

We at Rawlinson ROCK IT!  ROCK IT represents: Respect, Own It, Cooperate and Kindness. 
Ecole Communautaire Rawlinson Community School, officially opened in 1921. The school`s original bell is proudly displayed in our front foyer. We serve over 700 students in our triple track school.  Rawlinson offers an English program for students from JK to Grade 8; an Early French Immersion program for students from SK to Grade 8; and a Middle Immersion French program for students in Grades 4 to Grade 8.

A City of Toronto  Daycare Centre is housed within Rawlinson. We also have Learning Enrichment Foundation Before and After school child care, for students in Kindergarten to Grade 5.  In addition, we have St. Alban`s Girl`s and Boy`s Club after care program. Community programs at the school include a TDSB-sponsored International Languages Program, where students in Kindergarten to Grade 8 can learn Spanish, Mandarin/Cantonese and Greek, after school. We also partner with community programs such as Fighting Arts Collective (Oakwood Ave) and ExtraEd lunch hour programs.

Positive School Climate

Rawlinson is committed to all students, staff and parents with a focus on maintaining a positive school climate through mental health and well being.  An integral part of our school climate is our ROCK IT philosophy integrated with our School`s Code of Conduct.  Rawlinson`s Code of Conduct:
  • I am here to learn. I am responsible for my actions.
  • I keep my hands, feet and objects to myself.
  • I speak, behave and treat others with respect.
  • I solve problems in a peaceful manner and ask for help when I need it.
  • I take care of the Rawlinson community and help keep it clean

Students engage in Fit Friday units every term. Fit Fridays are student selected alternate to curriculum 3-week sessions focussing on mental health, well-being, physical activity, nutrition or mindfulness.

More Information About Rawlinson Community School

Student Leadership

We know that students who are successful experience opportunities in and out of the classroom: Mental Health &Wellness Leaders, Eco Club, RAT Pack (AV team), and Student Council provide students with opportunities to learn about and demonstrate leadership. All students are expected to be responsible for their learning and demonstrate respect for others.

Fitness and Community Involement

Every year, we participate in Jump Rope for Heart and we have a school wide Terry Fox run. Our students and families are also committed to the 50K Club. Staff offer co-curricular and extra-curricular sports both competitive and house league.

Nutrition is important

Our Snack Program ensures that students have  nutritious morning food. We are subsidized by the Toronto Foundation for Student Success and other funding sources. Each year, in order to keep the snack program properly funded, we rely on the donations of the parent community. Once per month parent volunteers organize Pizza Lunches which are highlights for students!

Le francais partout!

Rawlinson houses an Early French Immersion and Middle French Immersion Programs. These programs offer children the opportunity to learn in a second language and to immerse and explore French cultures. English is re-introduced in Grade 3 for French Immersion students. Transportation is provided for students as per TDSB policy.

Student Life - Where You Belong


Our Rawlinson students are actively engaged in a variety of activities.  These activities range from inter school sports, mental health and wellness initiatives, ECO club, community service, art initiatives, music, coding and technology. 
Students showcase their skills, leadership and commitment by participating in tournaments, competitions, annual concerts, talent shows and by organizing fundraising events.  


Students enjoy many opportunities which develop their musical talents through African drumming, Steel Pan, Choir, Orff and movement. Our Arts in Education brings in artists and artisans from various agencies and disciplines. The context is art and the focus is intercultural awareness and celebration.


Our School Advisory Council raises funds for various enrichment programs, subsidies for field trips, Arts in Education, Scientists in School, and other school endeavors.
We have partnerships with: Oakwood Collegiate, University of Toronto; Oakwood Library, Humber College, Toronto Foundation for Student Success; businesses who support our school's fundraising initiatives;  and Ontario Institute of Studies in Education University of Toronto.