PHONE NUMBER: (416) 394-2268


C R Marchant Middle School's Mission Statement

C.R. Marchant was one of the first middle schools in Ontario and continues to demonstrate its commitment to our community. Our name honours the accountant who served for the Weston Board of Education when the school opened in 1948. The school is anchored in the old town of Weston and has a tradition of providing quality educational programs for its learners. The neighbourhood has evolved over the years and continues to grow in cultural diversity, now serving students and their families from many parts of the world as well as descendants of past Weston generations.  


Our goal is to enable all of our students to acquire the knowledge, skills and values needed to become responsible members of society. Many opportunities are built into our school programs to encourage and foster positive behaviours, enhance growth and self-esteem, and celebrate successes. Students are recognized through our monthly Student Assemblies. Through the House System, our students are encouraged to be actively involved in all aspects of school and community life. Our role in the community is enhanced by such activities as our annual Terry Fox Run, holiday food drives and encouragement of students to volunteer in local agencies.

Snack Program

The Toronto Foundation for Student Success is funding our snack program. Students receive snacks twice a week and they range from fresh fruit, nature bars to bagels and cream cheese. 

More Information About C R Marchant Middle School

Student Life - Where You Belong


At CR we are very fortunate to have a very dedicated teaching and support staff.  Our staff offer a diverse range of extra-curricular opportunities for our students.  Students are able to try out for numerous sports teams, houseleagues, clubs and leadership opportunities.  Activities run at various times throughout the day (before school, lunch time and after school).  Some of the activities offered are: girls' and boys' football, soccer, basketball, ice hockey, track and field, cross country, just to name a few.  We also have activities for students that may wish to participate in academic competitions such as The Waterloo Math Gauss Contest, George Harvey Science competition, U of T science comepetition etc.
Our librarian, Ms. Grapko, has over 2 dozen library ambassadors that assist her throughout the year with the Boof Fair and library organization.


Visitors to our school usually have one comment that we often hear, "There is such a warm feeling and vibe in this school." We have worked tirelessly as a staff over the course of the last few years to cultivate this very positive, welcoming environment.  As a staff we work very closely together, supporting one another and our students and having high expectations for all.  We have a very strong belief that our students, although challenging as adolescents will be, are bright, energetic and capable of achieving at high levels when motivated.


In an effort to reach more of our parents we have created a school and teacher websites.  Our school's website allows all parents to read about what is happening at CR in general but also to look at what each of their child's teachers are focussing on in their classes.  The teacher websites provide that effective link between school and home.