PHONE NUMBER: (416) 394-3060


King George Junior Public School's Mission Statement

King George Junior Public School is located in the Runnymede area, southeast of Jane and Dundas Streets. Opened in 1911, the year of King George V's coronation, it replaced Elizabeth Street School, built in 1882. The present building opened in 1964. With 227 students, a family atmosphere exists in which students, teachers and parents know one another well.

Our motto is "Small in Size - Large in Accomplishments". This motto is borne out in our many successes in academic, artistic, and athletic endeavours.

In April, 2012 we celebrated our 100th Anniversary.  There was a full community celebration with past students and staff, and catching up with old friends and neighbours.  Students were involved in a variety of activities around this very special event.  A quilt, a time capsule, a King George tea towel featuring all students and staff and special t-shirts were made to commemorate this very special event.
In the Spring of 2016 Parent Council funded an Art Installation Project.  Each class had the opportunity to learn about a different artist and painted a piece of art in that artist's style.  Take a tour of our school yard to see colourful butterflies, street signs, flowers, bird houses and more!

Respect for All

Our pupils are encouraged to develop self-direction, respect for themselves and others, and respect for property at all times. We believe that everyone has the right to work and learn in a safe, supportive environment. Everyone's dignity, welfare, and material possessions should be respected. Everyone should attend regularly, be punctual and work towards high standards of achievement. Education is a partnership among pupils, home and school. Open communication is essential to make this partnership work.

More Information About King George Junior Public School

Balanced Literacy

We strive to provide a balanced Reading Program including: Shared Reading, Guided Reading, and the Daily Five Program in Grades 1 and 2.  We attend theatre productions and invite in story tellers to enrich our students general knowledge of literature.  Enriching your child through books opens up the imagination and develops creative thinking.

Cross-Curricular Integration

Staff at King George do not teach subjects in isolation, rather they weave curriculum expectations across all subjects.  We believe that children learn holistically and need to be immersed and actively involved in their learning.

Allergy Safe

Our school is an Allergy Safe environment. We respect the medical and health needs of our students, staff and community. Please view the Anaphylaxis page on our website for more details. We are also a SCENT free school.  Some of our students and staff are affected by a variety of scents.  Our cleaning products are WHIMIS approved and scent free.

Learning Enrichment Foundation

King George houses The Learning Enrichment Foundation Before and After School Programs  for Kindergarten to Grade 6 students.
Contact Info:  Off-site Supervisor - Montsy Bassas
Phone # - 416-760-2550  x2097
Hours of operation - 7:30 - 8:55 am and 3:15 - 6pm 

Additional Features

  • Daily Physical Activity
  • ECO School
  • First Lego League - Robotics
  • Parent Reading Program
  • Cross-Country & Track and Field
  • Scientists in the School
  • Partnering with Runnymede C.I.

Student Life - Where You Belong


Students at King George are actively involved in school and community activities from clubs to academic pursuits to further enrich their learning.  King George is very proud to say that most of our students are involved in some activity within the school.  We encourage our students to try new activities and see that by being involved, school is exciting, rewarding and enriching.


Our school focus across the curricular areas is "Making Connections", encouraging children to use what they know to develop their understanding of new and reviewed concepts. We encourage children to make connections in their school work and their lives. When you are talking with your child, encourage him/her to use these linking terms and conversation starters ...
-That reminds me of ...
- I read another book where ...
- It makes me think of ...
- This is different from ...
Model this concept by using those openers and showing your child how you make connections in your life each day.
We are also working on higher level thinking skills and helping our students understand problem solving across the curriculum.


King George students often visit the Outdoor Education Centres, Farm trips, the Zoo, The ROM and other such venues throughout the year to augment our curriculum and school programs. We also travel around our community to local businesses and the Humber Valley system to investigate authentic learning opportunities. 
School Council, with an active membership, is dedicated to the students and community of King George.  Parent volunteers assist with special events, as well as support school activities such as monthly Pizza and Subway Lunches, art experiences, and Scientists in School.  School Council is also active in fundraising with such events as the Spring Festival.  This is the fourth year for our Parent Reading Program which supports our primary students. Our community is very active and caring.  Our students are encouraged to help others and treat everyone with mutual respect.