PHONE NUMBER: (416) 394-2388


J R Wilcox Community School's Mission Statement

J.R. Wilcox Community School is located on the corner of Atlas Avenue and Ava Road, south of the Allen Expressway. The school is 98 years old.

  • The school serves approximately 330 students representing approximately 23 different language groups. About a third of the students speak English as a second language.
  • There are 3 Intensive Support Programs - Primary/Junior Learning Disability, Primary/Junior Autism, and Diagnostic Kindergarten.

A nutritious snack program is available for all students.
A day care is housed in the school building. An Integrated Learning Centre provides seamless programming in the Kindergarten and Day Care. Child care is also provided by After School and Before School programs.

More Information About J R Wilcox Community School

Student Life - Where You Belong



- Wilcox - Early Learning Centre (W-ELC) for students 0 to 6 years. This is based upon the Toronto First Duty Project and Best Starts. We are part of the Toronto Best Start Network. W-ELC is a group of organizations, residents and parents working together to provide seamless early years programming to parents/caregivers and young children ( 0 to 6 years) in the J.R.Wicox Community Area. The primary services are the school, day care and parenting and family literacy centre. - Public library visits - Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People, Roseneath Theatre - Safety programs sponsored by Toronto Police Services - Division 13 - OISE student teacher placements Secondary school co-op ed placements - Safety programs sponsored by Toronto Police Services - Division 13 - - - - - School Council - School and Community Organization - fundraising and special event planning - Parent volunteers - supporting classroom programs, school activities, and fundraising - - - - - - -