PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-9311


Spectrum Alternative Senior School's Mission Statement

Spectrum Alternative provides balanced programming that helps students develop their personal strengths in time management, and creative collaboration. Spectrum offers excellent academic programming with an emphasis on project work that integrates language, visual, dramatic and cyber arts. This is a small school environment of up to 60 students in grades 7 and 8. Dedicated teachers create an engaging world of learning your child will value for life. Our students develop a greater awareness of self and society and discover their personal strengths. Within an environment that provides a balance between academic, social and emotional well-being, Spectrum expects students to be self-motivated learners who strive to achieve their personal best. 

We are situated at 50 Davisville Avenue, a short walk from the Davisville subway station.

Visual Arts

Spectrum offers an exciting and innovative Visual Arts program. Our integrated program links the Visual Arts to Literacy, Science and Math. Blocks of time are dedicated to studio work where students learn to develop their skills in sketching, painting, sculpture and film. For some, this is a first time experience, for others it is an opportunity to further develop their skills.

More Information About Spectrum Alternative Senior School

Media Studies and Integrated Technology

Students use technology and software to create film, music videos, music, stop animation, 3D printing projects and slideshows. These projects are highly motivating. To be successful, students must apply their knowledge from many different areas of the curriculum and collaborate with fellow students.

Student Life

We offer a variety of student led clubs which change according to the interests of our students. Students are encouraged to develop their own ideas for clubs with the help of a teacher facilitator. Clubs may include Sport Stacking, art, meditation, games and yearbook. Clubs have included chess, speed stacking, knitting, art and yearbook.


As an Alternative School, our students come from all over the city. Most students who attend do not know many people in their class on the first day. This does not last long. Before they know it they have found kindred spirits, and have forged new and exciting friendships.

Student Life - Where You Belong


Along with providing a comprehensive and dynamic academic program, we offer students a chance to be active members of a community of learners. Opportunities to develop and showcase their talents keep our students engaged and enthusiastic about learning.


The philosophy of Spectrum's program is to create independent thinkers who are able to work collaboratively on a wide variety of arts and science based projects. Our enriched program encourages creative thinking, time management and effective decision making. We encourage our students to think outside the box, to develop leadership skills and become responsible global citizens.


Spectrum School Council supports and advises Spectrum Alternative. It is an integral part of our school culture. We encourage all our parents to be involved.