PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-1880


ALPHA Alternative Junior School's Mission Statement

ALPHA was founded in 1972 as part of the free school movement. Students have considerable freedom to choose what, how and when they learn. We give individual feedback instead of grades or tests. 
Social-emotional learning, self-directed learning, democratic decision-making and social justice are foundations of our program. We have practised equity admissions since 2007.
Parents are welcome to volunteer throughout the school. It's a messy and joyful place - ALPHA kids love to come to school!

Self-directed learning in a collaborative space

Students can take more responsibility for their learning at ALPHA because they have more autonomy to direct their own learning. We create a space where kids can take risks, make mistakes and build resilience.
Younger kids enjoy a play-based, arts-infused program and older kids learn through a combination of classes and self-directed time. We do not give grades, homework or tests. ALPHA parents agree to not receive report cards. We provide feedback through in-depth parent/student/teacher conferences.

More Information About ALPHA Alternative Junior School

Committed to social justice and anti-oppression

Our daily curriculum reflects the values of social justice activism and anti-oppression education.
We have used an equity admissions process since 2007. Our Equity Committee works to shift practices throughout the community towards greater equity for all.

Community is the heart of ALPHA

Kids develop social responsibility and autonomy through guided participation in community.
Conflicts are resolved through restorative circles and our peer arbitration process.
Parents are welcome to volunteer throughout the school and contribute in countless ways.
ALPHA potlucks are legendary! We gather throughout the year to build community and celebrate our kids.

Kids learn together in mixed-age settings

Students from JK to grade 2 learn together, and students from grade 3 to grade 6 learn together.
Older kids mix with younger kids more at ALPHA, allowing the older kids to act as role models and mentors. In a space with more student voice, kids learn from each other and look after one another.

Our approach is child-centered

Kids are trusted and respected at ALPHA. They negotiate and agree on the rules with teachers. They have more ownership of the physical space - for example, older kids paint their lockers at the start of every school year.
They have lots of time to play, and lots of time outdoors. They are allowed to develop at their own pace, and they have time to just be kids.

Student Life - Where You Belong


Student activities vary from year to year depending on students' interests.  A typical year includes: swimming; skating; a two-day camping trip for students, families and staff; our annual Haunted House theatrical production created by students; the Cardboard Arcade designed and built by older students for younger students; month-long programming themes (Ancient China, Magical Creatures, Outer Space...); field trips to museums, theatres, Outdoor Education Centres, among others; clubs such as Black Lives Matter Club, Rock Band Club, Textile Arts Club, Wrestling Club, and more!


Families, students and staff working together in democratic community is what makes ALPHA unique.
Students have considerable choice about how they spend their time and are able to pursue their own interests.  They develop autonomy and social responsibility by solving problems and making collective decisions in weekly all-school meetings chaired by students themselves. 


Parent and family involvement is very high at ALPHA.

Our whole School Community Council (parents and staff) meets monthly, with all parents encouraged to participate, and makes decisions by consensus.  Parent volunteers assist regularly in classrooms and on field trips. Many parents share their time, skills, knowledge, and cultural experience through classroom workshops and special events. All parents have the opportunity to be involved in decision-making for the school through various committees.