PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-1298


Horizon Alternative Senior School's Mission Statement

Located in Little Italy at Central Toronto Academy, Horizon draws students from Grade 6 classes throughout the City of Toronto. Horizon provides a strong, enriched academic curriculum in an adolescent-focused caring community. Our program is based on experiential learning and aims to develop independent, self-motivated learners, effective communicators, creative problem-solvers, and responsible citizens.  We offer single gender classes in many subject areas including Math, Science, Information Technology, and English.  Special facilities/equipment include a beautiful auditorium, two gyms, a drama room and dance studio, a science lab, Smart Boards and wireless. We are also totally tech integrated in all subject areas.

Unique Programs

Our teachers deliver much of the curriculum through innovative simulations. For example, in our History and Social Studies courses, students research the Louis Riel trial and prepare a case as defending lawyers or prosecutors.  In Geography class, the United Nations is accurately re-enacted with well-researched, articulate and compelling student debates. We believe that school should be exciting and fun for everyone.

More Information About Horizon Alternative Senior School

Focus on Equity

While equity issues are integrated and discussed in all aspects of the program, we offer a separate course dedicated to the study of equity, ageism, sexism, gender bias, and other issues.

Creating a Safe Haven for Learning

Horizon is a small school and, as such, truly becomes a community. The environment encourages acceptance and tolerance. Every one is encouraged to speak out and take an active role in the school community. The trust we develop with both the students and the parent community allows us to deal effectively with any problems very early on.

The Arts

The music program at Horizon is rich and offers a variety of options including guitar, drama, strings and band. Grade eights can also audition for the Horizon House Band. The Visual Arts program introduces the students to a wide variety of mediums, techniques and styles in weekly classes and is enriched with a bi-annual art show.

Core French Language

Like all other academic programs at Horizon, the Core French program is advanced. Students focus on oral, reading and writing skills while engaged in motivating and meaningful activities. They may solve a murder-mystery, put on a fashion show, or create a poster. All
activities reinforce the regular vocabulary and grammatical structures being taught in lessons.  

Additional Features

  • Lots of animals and pets
  • Lots of physical activity built in
  • Integrated community service
  • Film studies program
  • Enriched French classes available
  • Tons of trips!
  • Sports teams offered before school

Student Life - Where You Belong


     The students at Horizon love to come to school and are excited about learning. The focus on effective time management skills, personal accountability and responsibility combined with the enriched academic programming, ensures that students are ready for the challenges of any high school. Parents credit our wonderful teachers by saying: “They are amazing teachers - so passionate and hard- working. The kids are fortunate.”
     We offer a full program of sports and focus on promoting healthy living. From a thirty minute weekly “fit break”, volleyball, basketball and track to a 2-day rock climbing seminar and 2 days of skiing, there are many opportunities to participate in sports. Some of the teams participate in board-wide tournaments and leagues; most concentrate on friendly competitions with other alternative schools.  All of our athletic activities are designed to help build team spirit, good sportsmanship, trust, and cooperative skills.
     All students participate in community service twice a year that can range from neighborhood clean-ups to working with younger children, or participating in national fundraising campaigns.


School here is fun and enriching. Trips are an integral part of our programming. Every child as the opportunity to participate in every trip - something made possible by our yearly fundraising. Bike Hike is a three-day camping trip that focuses on group building and really sets the tone for the year. It is followed by a two day rock climbing seminar at TCA, 2 days of skiing at Mount St. Louis Moonstone, and an individualized year end trip in both grade seven adn eight. While on trips, activities can range from visiting museums and art galleries to biking, sailing, or attending workshops. All trips are designed to offer new and enriched experiences and meet a wide variety of curriculum outcomes. Day trips are also a regular part of our teaching program. 
    Every second year, your child will spend one-half term dedicated to a town simulation. A completely integrated unit, Town covers some expectations from most areas of the curriculum. It allows for peer-teaching, personalized and interactive curriculum delivery, and tons of enrichment.


Parents enrich the lives of all students. Parents are actively participants in the Horizon community though there is no mandated time commitment or participation during the regular school day. All parents do participate in our annual fundraising event and attend whole school meetings. The SAC actively supports school activities and meets monthly. From serving on committees and fundraising to bringing wide-ranging talents and skills to enhance the learning experience of our students, parents have a significant impact. After all, parents choose Horizon for their children and we all share a common philosophy and goals. We use email, time-management sheets, google docs and our website to regularly communicate with parents.