PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-9230


North Preparatory Junior Public School's Mission Statement

North Preparatory Junior P.S. is a vibrant, community school where parents enthusiastically support their children in a school that demands hard work, initiative and responsibility for self and others. We value risk-taking and a positive attitude in our students. Students are expected to strive to achieve their best. We know that all children have different strengths, abilities, needs and interests and our dedicated, highly motivated staff will help the students develop their self confidence through a variety of curricular and extra curricular activities.

School Focus: Environmental Literacy

The North Prep community is committed to a focus on environmental literacy.  We embark on a continuous journey, exploring, preserving, nurturing, and learning from the environment.  Our goal continues to be to help create responsible, caring, empathetic citizens who are aware of their responsibilities to themselves and the world around them.  Students reduce, reuse and recycle, participate in our boomerang lunch program, staff and students alike compost and we are an Eco School with a silver certification (working towards platinum)!  Projects to improve the grounds through planting, shading and beautification are ongoing.

More Information About North Preparatory Junior Public School

Equity and Character Education

We make sure students in the school are aware of the importance of social justice and given opportunities to shine.  Students are highlighted on a monthly basis, drawing attention acts to of kindness, responsible behaviour, work ethic, and a myriad of other characteristics we value and encourage in our society.  Successes great and small are celebrated and acknowledged.

Committment to the Arts

North Prep has a strong vocal program and Junior students have the opportunity to participate in either a Strings or Band program.  We strive to expose students to a variety of experiences, including dance, theatre, storytelling, and partnering with artists to facilitate the development of the creative process for students.  Our Art Club and Choirs run all year round.

Building Bridges

Our community of staff, students and parents work together to ensure student success.  We encourage parent involvement for field trips, extra curricular activities, fund raising etc.  North Prep's website keeps families informed of important dates, upcoming events, Parent Council Meetings and any other activities going on throughout the school. 

Extra Curricular Activities

North Prep has many after-school activities running all year.  From Blue Spruce and Silverbirch reading clubs, Soccer Club, Primary and Junior Choir, Green Team, Art Club, to Fitness Club, our staff and parent volunteers come together to provide a variety of activities for our students.  We have an involved community of teachers, students and parents.

Student Life - Where You Belong


A school day begins with students being welcomed by their teachers in the yard and brought to their classrooms.  Students and teachers start their day with a greeting and a smile.  Character education is emphasized at North Prep, so setting the tone for the day with a good attitude and a positive outlook is essential.
Students participate in a learning environment which is differentiated, inclusive and experiential.  We encourage hands on activities supplemented by programs like Scientists in the School and students are exposed to a variety of experiences on and off school grounds.  Our Parent Council actively support field trips to the Ontario Science Centre, the AGO, Pioneer Village, the ROM, The National Film Board of Toronto and the Gardiner Museum etc.  Students come to school ready to learn, sing, play, and have fun.


North Prep is a small school with a big heart. Staff and parent volunteers run many fantastic programs that are inclusive and diverse.  We have Reading Clubs, Sports Clubs, Art Clubs and Choirs, just to mention a few.  These programs usually run all year round and students have a lot to choose from.
Aside from strong Music and Gym programs, North Prep also has a Green Team which meets every week. This group plans activities and projects to keep the school motivated and on track towards becoming a Platinum Eco School.  Awareness of our impact on our immediate and surrounding environment is emphasized daily. Students are encouraged to be responsible, respectful, empathetic and kind. They achieve this through efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle, and also in how they treat each other. The respect we show our classroom and school grounds is mirrored by the respect teachers, students, and parents show each other. The Green Team is instrumental in implementing and maintaining the school's philosophy of social responsibility, personal accountability and kindness towards others.


Parents at North Prep volunteer and get involved in a variety of ways.  We have a Parent Council (otherwise known as SAC: School Advisory Council) which meet monthly to discuss goals for, school improvement, student enrichment, and general matters concerning the school.
Parents also volunteer for events like our monthly Pizza Lunch, accompanying classes on field trips, or teams for sports competitions, donating baked goods for our weekly bake sales, or tying skates for our primary students when the school goes skating en masse.  Help is always welcome in the Library where organization is concerned: checking in, reshelving, reading stories to classes etc.  We are always happy to welcome parents who want to give their time and be partners in our learning community.