PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-9350




John Wanless Junior Public School's Mission Statement

The TDSB’s Mission is “to enable all students to reach high levels of achievement and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values they need to become responsible members of a democratic society."
At John Wanless we maintain a strong commitment to student achievement and success.  We support a safe and caring learning environment.  We have a continued commitment to ongoing professional learning for staff and we encourage life-long learning.  We pride ourselves in our collaborative partnerships with parents and the school community.  Further information about our school is available on the school website:

John Wanless Public School is located between Yonge Street and Avenue Road, north of Lawrence Avenue. Our school was built in 1927 and has had several additions and renovations - the most recent one completed in the early spring of 1997.
   -We currently have 714 (Kindergarten to Grade 6).


At John Wanless JPS we celebrate diversity and value all members of the school community.  There is a focus on the teaching of social skills to all students and we provide regular opportunities for all students to demonstrate their abilities/skills at assemblies, during announcements and in class-to-class exchanges.  Our students are focused on assisting others at both the local and global level through various initiatives.Character Education is an important aspect in supporting students in becoming caring and socially responsible. We constantly strive to ensure that our curriculum delivery and resources are as bias-free as possible.

More Information About John Wanless Junior Public School


John Wanless Staff volunteer many extra hours for House League and Inter-School sports teams.  We have an active House System in place and enjoy friendly competition for the "House Cup" each year.  We also have many different inter-school sports teams including Hockey, Badminton, Volleyball, Slo-Pitch , Soccer Cross-country, Track, Basketball and Chess to name a few.

Everyone from every grade belongs to one of four houses and enjoys the camaraderie and spirit involved in Spirit Assemblies and Games.


At Wanless we believe in providing students with many opportunities to help them discover their strengths.  We offer instrumental music (band and strings) to interested grade 5 and 6 students. 
We also have our own outstanding Music Teachers who provide music instruction to all of our students and run both Primary and Junior Choirs. 


The school is always active before the morning bell, at lunch and after school with students participating in various clubs.  Along with our many sports clubs we also have an active Ambassadors Club, an energetic Green Team, Library Helpers, Chess Club and Mathematics Clubs. This year we are launching our Table-Tennis Club as well. 

Parental Involvement

John Wanless JPS is fortunate to have numerous opportunities for parents to become involved in school life.  A very strong School Council organizes activities for enhancing classroom learning as well as terrific fundraising events such as our annual Fall Fun Fair.  We couldn't do everything we do without our parents.

Additional Features

  • Dance and Drama Programs
  • School Council After 4 Programs
  • Special Lunch Fundraisers
  • Spring Fun Fair
  • School Council Technology Committee
  • Staff Professional Learning Comm.
  • Partnerships with Universities
  • Partnerships with High Schools

Student Life - Where You Belong


Students at John Wanless JPS are provided with a wide variety of activities both in and out of the classroom.  While in class students receive excellent instruction in all areas of the curricula.  They also have enriched opportunities to learn from visiting Scientists in the School, Visiting Authors, Visual and Performing artists and other specialized professionals.  Outside of class students may choose from many different activities including sports, philanthropy, chess, choir and dance programs.


John Wanless has become a wireless school. By installing wireless routers, our students and teachers will have access to laptops and desktops anywhere in the school. A Smart TV has been installed in every other classroom ( with more coming this year) and our students have access to iPads and netbooks to enhance their learning. The incorporation of technology will support students and teachers quest for learning. All students will focus on understanding that technology is simply a tool among many available to assist them to learn.


The John Wanless School Council actively participates in a number of activities to support the school including: Education Issues, Charitable Outreach, Fundraising, School Enrichment, Caring & Safe Schools, Graduation, Physical Education and Music.
Regular parent volunteers assist in the library, on field trips and as class parents. Parents also coordinate major school/community events: Fall Fair, Chess Club, After 4 Program, Parent Welcome Back Event in the fall, Spring BBQ and Spring Fling.