PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-9380


Whitney Junior Public School's Mission Statement

Whitney is located in a well-established residential district in the Rosedale/Moore Park area. The first school was built in 1926 and the current building in 1964. Some parents and grandparents of our students also attended the school. In May 2001, we celebrated the school's 75th anniversary.

  • The school population is approximately 280 and most students live in the school's catchment area. 
  • The school has a child care centre and an outstanding record of parental involvement.
  • Staff and parents work together to support School Improvement
  • Many unique initiatives provide enrichment opportunities and experiences for all students.
  • Many opportunities for students to be involved in outreach programs and give to other communities.  

We have many different initiatives in place to support literacy and numeracy and they continue to be a focus of our School Improvement Planning process. The Principal works with the staff and parents to develop a School Improvement Plan that clearly identifies specific areas requiring improvement and the programs and resources required to improve student success.         

Sports and Physical Education

All students benefit from physical education classes taught by a gym specialist. We have a number of interschool sports teams coached and coordinated by the gym teacher and various staff members.  Recently, we have updated our sports team philosophy allowing even more students to play sports at different levels. Most students participate in cross country and the Terry Fox Run. 

Our focus over the past few years is on the mental health and well-being of all our students.  

More Information About Whitney Junior Public School

The Arts

Whitney has an exceptional Arts program!  All classes meet with a specialist music teacher at least once a week and are given opportunities to perform. We celebrate a primary focused holiday winter concert. As well, we have a junior choir and offer itinerant strings & band to our grade 5/6 students. As well, our junior school talent show is always a huge success! 

Our  concerts, dance showcase and talent show are highlights at Whitney P.S. Along with professional visiting artists for every classroom. 

Information CommunicationTechnology

Whitney has an abundance of working integrated technology in all classrooms. We have Interactive Whiteboards in ALL of our classrooms, iPads in Primary and Chromebooks for Junior students.  

Respectful School Climate

We are fortunate to offer such a warm and welcoming environment for all of our students, staff and parents. 

Visiting Artists, Scientists and Director's Cut

Enrichment programs such as visiting artists, scientists and a media studies program called Director's Cut are all funded by the WSC. These valuable enriching opportunities provide hands-on learning to complement the classroom. All classrooms has at least two visiting specialists each year providing a full day program in either visual arts, media studies or science.

Additional Features

  • Whitney Child Care Centre
  • Itinerant band and strings program
  • Whitney Word Newsletter
  • Book Fairs

Student Life - Where You Belong


Whitney is a busy and exciting place where students are involved in many activities and events throughout the school year.
Our sports teams include badminton, basketball, soccer, ultimate frisbee, hockey, track and field, volleyball and cross country running, just to name a few. We organize a bi-weekly divisional DPA (Daily Physical Activity) for all students. Literacy learning through library reading programs such as Red Maple, Blue Spruce and Silver Birch, Battle of the books and Book Fairs.
Participation of students in grades 3-6 in the Pythagoras Math Contest
Monthly SPA (Spirit, Pizza & Assembly) Days for recognition of student success, school spirit and global/local outreach
Harvest Fair, Talent Show, Healthy Living Student Conference and Bicycle Rodeo with our police service.  As well, our student yearbook club publishes our annual Whitney Yearbook. 

At Whitney PS we have caring and committed staff who work together with parents for the success and well-being of all students. Staff collaborate and plan together in bi-weekly professional learning communities, developing classroom programs that are engaging and challenging- focused on student achievement.  


Whitney PS is a mid-sized school with an active parent community and school council. The majority of students live in the neighbourhood and many attend our community school from kindergarten to grade 6. Students take part in intramural activities at lunch and participate in team sports and after school programs. Parent volunteers provide support for many initiatives such as the Terry Fox Run, cross country, pizza lunches, bicycle safety, etc. The After Four Programs are organized by parent volunteers during lunch and Mooredale Community Centre after school for students in grades 1 to 6. These programs are voluntary and are offered during terms one and two.
Thanks to the School Council's fundraising support we are able to enrich classroom programs and fund initiatives such as Scientists in the School, visiting artists, Director's Cut and the grade 6 mural project. As well, the School Council has funded technology initiatives such as the purchasing of MAC laptops for our grade 6 students and new Interactive WhiteBoards, ELMOS and Projectors for every classroom!


Whitney has a committed and actively involved school council with strong community links and involvement in fundraising activities, school safety, community outreach and school  planning. Council meetings are held four times a year as well as monthly meetings of the Executive Council.  
Parent volunteers assist in classrooms and the library, accompany classes on excursions, drive for sports teams and events and coordinate After Four Programs and registration,  Harvestfest, Main Event Fundraiser, Whitney Word Newsletter, Parent Handbook, Whitney Yearbook

Fundraising has included local charities such as the CHUM City Christmas Wish, Heart and Stroke, Terry Fox, UNICEF and the Daily Bread Food Bank to name a few.   Scheduled visits to all classrooms come from the Community Police liaison Officer from 53 Division.