PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-1522


Sprucecourt Public School's Mission Statement

Sprucecourt Public School is a Kindergarten to Grade Eight school in the Cabbagetown area of Toronto.  The school population averages around 330 students, many of whom are second and third language learners. The largest language groups other than English are Bengali, Mandarin, Cantonese, Tamil,  and Somali.  We strive to make all children and families feel welcomed at Sprucecourt.
Our Values, listed below, serves as the guide to all decisions we make.


- Respect and Responsibility
- Local and Global Citizenship
- Social Justice
- Reflective and Innovative Practice
- Collaborative Partnerships
- Shared Leadership
- Consistent and Appropriate Programming
- Healthy Living

 We are growing.  In September of 2013, we included Grade Seven and Grade Eight students in our population.   We've also built a new and modern Gymnasium as well as a new Library to support all our students.

School Yard and Playscape

Sprucecourt sits on a beautiful property, providing our students with a variety of play and relaxation areas.  Extensive fundraising has resulted in the building of our new play structure, which sits alongside our basketball court, soccer and baseball fields and greened areas.

Our Peace Garden was recently expanded and we now have a wonderful garden in our front yard.  Tomatoes and lettuce has been used in our lunch and snack programs, and students in their classes have participated in gardening and cooking from our garden. 
Ouer new composter is used by our lunch program and some of our community.

More Information About Sprucecourt Public School

Parent and Family Literacy Centre

Throughout the day parents and caregivers are welcome to bring their small children to our centre.  Come by to meet other parents, join in songs and games, and participate in our weekly cooking classes.  Please phone the school for hours and days of operation.


Sprucecourt has recently purchased two additional SmartBoards and another 25 ipads.  In some classrooms teachers use Smartboard technology to deliver lessons, and access the available Elmos and projectors to enhance teaching and learning opportunities.   

As part of our technology plan, we have 60 iPads available to students in Grades 1-3, a cart of 25 Chrome Books for students in Grades 4-8 and 12 iPads for students in Kindergarten to showcase their learning.  Technology is used as a tool to support student learnings

Extra Curricular Activities

Students at Sprucecourt have the opportunity to participate in many extra curricular activities.  These include: African Drumming groups, choir,  art club,  Horizons tutoring, HEROS for Hockey and countless sport teams that may be competitive and/or focus on skill development, and team play.  We have even added a juggling/circus club this year.

Nutrition Programs

At Sprucecourt we offer a universal snack program, with all students receiving a healthy snack each day.  In addition, our students have the opportunity to take part in our hot lunch program, where healthy, balanced lunches are prepared on the premises for our participating students each day.  Breakfast is also available to all students starting at 8:15 in the morning

Additional Features

  • Student Council
  • Yearbook club
  • Partnerships with external agencies
  • Field trips to enhance curriculum
  • Student leadership opportunities
  • School Community Food Garden
  • Eco School- Silver
  • STEM Club

Student Life - Where You Belong


Students at Sprucecourt are encouraged to have a well balanced school life, with foci on academics, extra curricular activities, student leadership opportunities, character education with additional opportunities outside the school. 
Within the classrooms we offer a rich curriculum, with many experiential opportunities.  Out of classroom experiences offer students new ways to learn and different opportunities to share what they know.  
Chess instruction is offered to our grade two classes, and to all who want to join our chess club. 
Specialists are brought in to many of our classrooms to support programming.  These include Scientists in the School, visiting artists, storytellers, and parents sharing their expertise with our students.
A wide variety of experiences exist for our students outside of the classroom.  This includes numerous and varied field trips and outdoor education opportunities.


We are a midsized school, with a diverse population of teachers and students.  By creating an inclusive, positive and caring environment, everyone is made to feel welcome at Sprucecourt. 
Our staff bring a rich background which provides the diverse building blocks for our community of learners.  Whether it is teachers speaking to parents in their first language, sharing their knowledge and passion for social justice issues, or reaching out and collaborating with community agencies - our staff demonstrate their committment to the students of Sprucecourt each and every day.


At Sprucecourt we have strong links to the community.  These include public library class visits, medical students from the University of Toronto, Prime Mentors, visits to Riverdale Farm, partnership with Kiwanas Boys and Girls Club, York University and Horizons (Upper Canada College and Branksome Hall).
One of Sprucecourt Public School's goals is to increase parent involvement in school. Currently, the school has in place: a School Council; a growing parent volunteer program; a Parenting Centre; school newsletters; classroom letters; information boards in the school and an outdoor sign, used to communicate upcoming events and school foci;  parent workshops and information evenings, on topics identified as of interest to our parents; Lunch and Learn sessions, to meet informally with the principal and other parents.