PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-9270


Shirley Street Junior Public School's Mission Statement

Shirley Street Public School is located near the southwest corner of Dundas Street and Brock Avenue.   Our school is an inclusive and welcoming environment with a small population of students and a dedicated staff.  We are an OPAL school, which stands for Outdoor Play and Learning.  We have a Nutrition Program to provide a morning snack to all students.  We are also home to:
  • City View Alternative Senior School
  • YMCA Child Care Centre
  • Early On Parenting and Family Literacy Centre




Our focus in mathematics is to help students develop their mathematical understanding by engaging them in problem solving and shared, guided, and independent math activities. We help students foster a positive attitude towards mathematics and involve students actively in their learning.

More Information About Shirley Street Junior Public School

Science and Technology

Our focus in science and technology is to help students develop the skills, strategies, and habits of mind required for scientific inquiry.  We have incorporated STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) projects into the curriculum.  Students will create projects using STEM to solve real world problems.  Projects will be shared at a STEM showcase.

Social Studies

Our focus in social studies is to help students develop knowledge and skills that will enable them to carry out increasingly complex investigations.  We provide activities that encourage mastery of basic concepts and develop inquiry skills. Cross-curricular learning is used to reinforce skills and knowledge in a range of settings.

The Arts

Learning through the arts fosters integration of a student's sensory, cognitive, emotional, and motor skills. Students learn to link the study of the arts with the study of a variety of subjects. They gain an appreciation of the importance of the arts as a source of enjoyment and as a means of communication.

Student Life - Where You Belong


We have a wide range of clubs, teams, and programs for students to participate in which include:
-Drama Club
-Cross Country
-Track and Field
-Arts and Crafts Club
-Island School visit
-Visual Arts Club
-Slo Pitch
-Terry Fox Walk/Run


-Focus on Technology - SMARTboards in every classroom
-Roots of Empathy
-Early Reading Intervention Program
-Snack Program
-Itinerant music - Band, Strings, Vocal
-Scientists in the School
-Partnerships with City View Alternative Senior School
-Itinerant ESL/ESD support for English language learners
-Resource and Home School Program support for exceptional learners
-iPads in Kindergarten and grade 1


-Co-op students from neighbouring secondary schools
-Teacher Candidates from the Institute of Child Studies, OISE, York University, and Ryerson University
-School Council Initiatives - Fundraising, Community Events 
-Parenting and Family Literacy Centre
-Volunteers to assist on class trips, sports, classrooms