PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-1700


Norway Junior Public School's Mission Statement

Norway Junior School is one of the oldest schools in the Toronto District School Board.  Its existence can be traced back to a rural schoolhouse built in 1848. This school was the first to be built in the "Beach" and since then, it has been serving the educational needs of this area which is known for its strong sense of family and community. The current building was opened in April 1977. We celebrated our 100th anniversary in 1996.  

The school's enrolment is currently around 311 students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6.

School Focus

At Norway, we focus on helping students to develop strong academic skills, work habits, and learning skills. Staff work together in teams to develop programs and engage in ongoing professional learning. Teachers use diagnostic assessment to determine how students are developing key skills.

More Information About Norway Junior Public School

Special Education

At Norway, we believe in a team approach to supporting students. When students are struggling to meet the grade expectations, staff and parents collaborate to discuss supports. These can include: classroom strategies, the development of an Individual Education Plan, support from other professionals, Resource supports, or enrolment in the Home School Program.

The Arts

Norway has active music and drama programs. We have a full-time Music and Dance teacher who works with all of the classes. Students participate in concerts and assemblies. Norway students have the opportunity to be involved in one of our choirs.


At Norway, we are pleased to be a part of the TDSB Fit for Life program. Norway students receive instruction from one of two teachers who focus on the Health and Physical Education program. Students also have the opportunity to be involved in extra-curricular activities from school teams to intramurals. Sports continue to be an integral part of life at Norway.

Caring and Safe Schools

We aim to foster respect for each other through team building and cooperation in class, sports teams, choirs, clubs. Our Caring and Safe Schools Committee makes recommendations for safety procedures and school climate initiatives. Students are encouraged to solve problems through peaceful resolution and respectful discussion.

Additional Features

  • Library - the hub of the school
  • Dedicated teaching & support staff
  • On-going Professional Development
  • Student Leadership
  • Many extra-curricular activities
  • Inclusion of all students
  • Partnerships with community
  • Safe and caring environment

Student Life - Where You Belong


Students at Norway are very involved in many extra-curricular activities.  They participate in a number of sports such as cross-country, softball, volleyball, basketball, soccer, hockey, track and field, to name a few. We also have a rich Music and Dance program. There are two choirs and other clubs include Me to We and Bookletes.


Norway has an active parent community. Community Fun Day is held in the spring. Norway School Council will once again be holding a Parent Knowledge Conference in February. Enrichment programs such as visiting authors, artists and scientists are funded by the School Council. These valuable enhancements provide hands-on learning that complement the classroom curriculum and are popular with students and teachers. Norway is actively involved in community outreach projects. Students take part in toy, clothing and food drives.


There are a number of activities which support parent and community engagement:
- class visits to the local Public Library
- collaboration with community/social agencies: Children's Aid Society, Toronto Police Service, Toronto Public Health, Community Centre 55, YMCA 
- active School Council with many parents in attendance at monthly meetings
- many regular parent volunteers who assist in a variety of programs that include: athletic activities, Scientist in the Schools, pizza lunches
- many fund-raising activities include: Terry Fox Run, Breakfast/Brunch with Santa, Silent Auction, Dance-A-Thon, Community Fun Day