PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-9325


John Fisher Junior Public School's Mission Statement

John Fisher is the oldest elementary school in the TDSB. The French Immersion program begins in Junior Kindergarten, and all instruction is in French until the end of Grade Three. English language instruction is introduced in Grade 4.  In September 2022, John Fisher started JK in English to gradually move from a French Immersion Centre to a dual- track school.   

Green is In at John Fisher

John Fisher Jr. P.S. is committed to making this planet a better place. Our students, staff and community have worked diligently for many years to make it an example of eco-conscious learning. We were recognized for our EcoSchools awards and have received the Gold and Silver levels. 

We continue to instill in our students a strong sense of their role in ensuring the good ecological health of our planet, as well as global citizenship.  We work to foster in our students sensitivity towards the needy, both in our city and the world.  Ecole publique John Fisher participates in a large number of outreach initiatives, e.g., disaster relief, Me to We, Unicef.  Our students raise awareness on equity and inclusion initiatives and we encourage them to take the initiative in proposing fundraising activities to help our global friends.

More Information About John Fisher Junior Public School

Le fait français

We are dedicated to the promotion and ongoing use of French within the school; "Ici on parle français"; we learn and live in French.  Through the Ontario Curriculum, students develop their oral and written skills in French.  Speaking French also builds students' confidence.

The ongoing success of the French Immersion program within the school is due in part to our involvement in as many French cultural activities as possible to enrich and enhance students' exposure to the French language. The school promotes French culture by inviting French authors, organizing an annual Carnaval, participating in the annual Concours d’art oratoire and excursions to French-speaking settings in and outside Ontario. 

Character Development

Character development is an important focus for John Fisher and the TDSB and has been widely promoted through our Participation Positive des Pingouins (PPP) initiative. This initiative benefits both staff and students by fostering a climate of respect and cooperation conducive to creating a kind and caring learning environment for all students. 

Through regular recognition assemblies, daily announcements that highlight the work of our students and in the weekly newsletter from the Principal, the "Squawk", our school focuses on the positive, pro-social, kind and caring actions of students, staff and parents. 

Student Success

Student success is the fundamental mandate of all educators. Through Professional Learning Teams, working with Family of Schools coaches and instructional leaders, the school looks to identify areas of need and develop the most effective strategies to support student success.  We believe that every student can reach her/his potential.

We support students in need through a timely and tiered intervention model of In-school Support Team (IST), where school staff work together to suggest and implement strategies to assist struggling students, to School Support Team (SST), where our Board partners from Psychology, Speech and Language and Social Work, assist us in identifying and providing appropriate supports for our students.  The Individual Education Plan is the road map we use for students who need consistent and ongoing support.  We have a dedicated resource teacher who assists students in need through small-group instruction and support in organizational skills, task-completion, Literacy and Numeracy.

Community, Culture & Caring

John Fisher benefits from a deeply committed and caring parent and caregiver community that partners with staff in all areas and at all levels in the life of the school. From School Council to class volunteers, and coaching to graduation, our school is a place where the community feels at home.  We value the contribution of our parent partners.

Additional Features

  • EcoSchool Certification
  • Excellent EQAO scores
  • Award Winning Choir
  • Top performing in athletics
  • Me To We participant
  • Dictée PGL participant
  • Concours d'art oratoire participant
  • Roots of Empathy participant

Student Life - Where You Belong


A students' at Ecole publique John Fisher enjoy an exciting learning environment every day. We offer many learning opportunities and activities. The days can at times start quite early if a student is involved in athletics, morning choir practice or drama rehearsal. It can go beyond school hours if he or she participates in the After-4 program, with activities such as Art, Science and Computer Game Design are offered. Students love Carnaval, which is held each Winter, where they join with schoolmates of all ages to play games and celebrate this wonderful aspect of French-Canadian culture. Others always remember their trip to the Island School in Grade 5, or to St. Donat in Grade 6. For some, being part of a school team raises their level of confidence and self-esteem and they are proud of how well our school performs in competitions. Finally, all agree that John Fisher is a place where everyone can make friends and everyone is welcome.


As one of only four French Immersion Centres in the entire TDSB, Ecole publique John Fisher offers a unique opportunity for students to experience French in all aspects of school life.  Our teaching and support staff speak excellent French.  Our Daycare, French Connection, complements our efforts to develop French skills in our students and we enjoy a strong partnership with them.  Ecole publique John Fisher has an excellent Physical Education program and a long history of athletic success in boardwide competitions. Our choir program has been recognized as one of the best in the TDSB.  We have a strong focus on the arts - our drama program,  talent show and showcase concerts provide ample opportunities for students to develop these talents.  Parent fundraising efforts provide funds for enrichment initiatives like performers, dance and theatre workshops, scientists in schools and presentations by professional storytellers.


The Ecole publique John Fisher School Council meets monthly, and has many active sub-committees such as Safety, Educational Issues, Staffing, Fundraising, Athletics, Environment, and Arts and Cultural Enrichment. Over 200 parent volunteers assist in a wide range of school programs including library, classrooms, excursions, special events (e.g., Carnaval, Terry Fox Run), sports clinics and teams, and environmental initiatives. The School Council advocates with Board and provincial decision-makers to ensure quality public education for all children. All initiatives to upgrade the interior of the building, to green the school yard, to improve traffic safety (a successful Kiss 'n Ride Program was instituted in 2006) and to enhance the school's information technology capabilities have resulted from significant parent involvement.