PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-9220


Dovercourt Public School's Mission Statement

Dovercourt is located in the Dufferin/Dupont area. The school is a heritage site - parts of our school building are over 100 years old. We are a Platinum Level ECO School.  

Our School's Mission Statement:

Dovercourt  strives to achieve an active, creative learning experience for students. We are committed to preserving and improving the environment through local and global initiatives. We believe that successful students learn through the arts, physical education and the expectation of academic excellence. By promoting respect and good citizenship, we embrace the strength and diversity of our school, enabling all students to reach their full potential.

School Focus For 2018-2019

- Build the Literacy and Numeracy Skills using 21st century skills / Global Competencies. 
- Develop community partnerships to support focus on arts, environment, and the development of good citizenship.
- Focus on planning through division meetings
- Work collaboratively with parents through a vital School Advisory Council
- Continue to reach out to all members of our community to develop a supportive and welcoming climate.
- To support growth for all students with the implementation of innovative programming.

More Information About Dovercourt Public School

Dovercourt Morning Snack Program

Through generous support of the Toronto Foundation for Student Success (TFSS), CIBC/Mellon, family donations, we are able to deliver a health morning snack to every student at our school. 

Macaulay Daycare

Macaulay Daycare is located in Dovercourt PS.  Any child registered at Macaulay Daycare is automatically a student of Dovercourt PS.  We work together in helping create a safe and wonderful learning enviornment for our students.  Their supervisor is Maya.

Dovergardens Nursery

Dovergardens Nursery is located in Dovercourt PS.  This is a co-operative nursery is staffed with two cerified employees and parents /caregivers / volunteers .  The nursery is open 5 mornings a week. 

Our Soccer Field

Toronto Eagles Soccer Club has developed a partnership with our school and helped us build a regulation soccer field.  This further demonstrates our close partnerships with this community.

Additional Features

  • Partners in our school
  • School Focus
  • Breakfast Program
  • Macaulay Daycare
  • Dovergardens Nursery
  • Our soccer field

Student Life - Where You Belong


Students at Dovercourt can begin the day at 7:30 am with our breakfast program. This program, like many others, is supported by the welcoming and supportive parent community. Most students also stay for lunch and bring their own"litterless lunch". At our Platinum level ECO school students learn to respect the envrionment through curriculuum, ECO club, and many ECO based activities. Our gardens, manged by the community, reflect the care our community has for this heritage site. 
A dedicated staff supports all the diverse needs of our students not only through curriculum but through the many activities that teachers provide.  A wide range of sports opportunites as well as clubs are available for students at lunch and after school. A chess program has been running at the school for the past four years and the school has demonstrated a committment to the arts. All students in grades 5 to 8 have access to our Strings Enrichment Program and students in grades 5 and 6 have access to our Band Enrichment Program.
Dovercourt maintains a positive, calm environment for students.


Our ECO School Platinum level status.
Our wide range of student activities.
Our dedication to addressing the arts in all grades through special programs.
Our active Parent/Guardian Community.


Parents run a variety of programs and events that include: a welcome breakfast, Dance-A-Thon, A Winter Feast, Lunar New Year Festival and a Spring Fling. Many of our school-based and off-site arts based enrichment opportunities are generously supported by our School Advisory Council. The School works closely with the Macaulay Daycare and Dovergardens Nursery located on site. Students make regular visits to the Gladstone branch of the Public Library. Our school works with the University of Toronto, OISE, through their Master Teachers Program. The Toronto Police work with our students in various grades on safety programs.