PHONE NUMBER: (416) 393-1250


Church Street Junior Public School's Mission Statement

Church Street Public School is located just north of where Church & Carlton St.'s intersect in downtown Toronto, and is the gateway to the Church St. 'Village'.  We are also proud to be the home of the Native Learning Centre.
Church St. P.S. has been a part of the community for almost 150 years.  It opened in 1872 and our current building is the third on the site. Our school community is one of the most diverse in the city - and one of the friendliest.

Health & Physical Education (HPE)

Our HPE program is focused on educating and encouraging the entire school community to maintain healthy, active lifestyles. These opportunities are provided through various programs, team sports, Recess Revival, and Daily Physical Activity (DPA) activities.

More Information About Church Street Junior Public School

Extra-Curricular Activities

Throughout the school year, our staff work hard to offer our students access to many sports, art, relaxation and entertainment activities, in addition to the regular school subjects.   

CS Childcare Ctr / Early ON Child & Family Ctr

Child care is offered on site by the Church Street Child Care Centre, and off site but in close proximity, by the Central YMCA.  
The Early ON Child & Family Centre welcomes families with preschool aged children from Mon-Fri 09:00am to 12:15pm.

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Additional Features

  • Restorative Practices
  • Choir

Student Life - Where You Belong


Students at Church Street Public School enjoy a positive and safe environment in which self esteem and exemplary student achievement is of paramount importance. Through the implementation of the TDSB Code of Conduct, the Church Street Code of Behaviour and Pledge of Peace and our Playground and Lunchroom rules, a caring and safe environment is enforced. Our Citizenship/Character Assemblies honour our students for their exemplary behaviour and academic success.


Church Street Public School is now a medium sized school, Grades JK - 6, with approximately 500 students. It co-exists with The Native Learning Centre which is a high school, Grades 9 - 12, whose teachers come from Jarvis Collegiate, two blocks away. The Native Learning Centre has approximately 40 students, all of whom are of native descent. The partnership between Church Street Public School and The Native Learning Centre is a unique shared space experiment which has proven to be very successful.
Church Street Public School also has successful partnerships with an on site Child Care Centre and a Parenting and Family Literacy Centre. The YMCA which is located nearby on Grosvenor Street is an additional option for child care for Church Street Public School students. The staff at Church Street Public School is a very dedicated group of professionals, many of whom have taught or worked at Church Street Public School for several years.


At Church Street Public School staff work closely with parents/guardians and welcome their involvement in their children's academic lives. Other community partnerships include: The National Ballet School, Police Liaison, Public Library, The Childrens Bookbank, Links with community/social service agencies such as One on One mentoring program with Public Health, the Horizons Program (Upper Canada College students tutoring program), UCC Horizons summer camp, Horizons' parent volunteers, Borden,  Ladner and Gervais volunteer readers, student teachers from York, OISE, TMU, George Brown and the Institute for Child Studies, Terry Fox Run Foundation, Hospital for Sick Children: Pediatric Resident Child Health Advocacy Team, St. Michael's Hospital, and School Council Meetings. Volunteers assist in the classroom, the office, on field trips and in the school library.