PHONE NUMBER: (416) 396-6630


West Hill Public School's Mission Statement

West Hill P.S. is located in the eastern section of Toronto. The school's history reaches back over 120 years as one of the first schools in the area. In 1994, the old building was demolished and a new one opened. West Hill P.S. serves a community that honours the spirit of the past and supports the realities of the present and future.

West Hill serves approximately 250 students, more than 30% from countries other than Canada. Many families are temporarily housed in our area as they await more permanent settlement in the Greater Toronto area. Throughout the year, as many as 400 students will pass through our doors.


West Hill is a Kindergarten to Grade 8 Model School with a diverse population and a school community that shares, learns and celebrates their successes.  Our staff provide enriching classroom instruction with an active extra-curricular program. West Hill P.S. operates a Snack Program, offering a daily nutritious snack at no cost to our students or families.
West Hill P.S. focuses on strengthening reading, writing and math skills through the use of effective questioning techniques. This encourages higher level thinking which recognizes and celebrates diversity, and fosters a safe and caring environment. We strive to ensure that instructional strategies are taught so that ALL our students are successful.

Character Education

Character Education helps us create safe, caring and inclusive learning environments for every student and supports academic development.  It is a shared responsibility between the home and school.  Each month we have Character Education assemblies where students are recognized for demonstrating positive character attributes. We believe this creates a foundation for creating well rounded students within our building and the surrounding community.

More Information About West Hill Public School

Extra-Curricular Activities

West Hill has a wide variety of opportunities for students to express themselves physically, artistically and socially. Some of the activities at West Hill include cross country, basketball, volleyball, bordenball, cricket, track and field, dance club, knitting club, cooking club, soccer, and more. Skill development, good sportsmanship and team work are highly valued.

Literacy Program

West Hill provides a strong literacy program through the use of student-centered activities and groupings. This creates an environment that suits the needs of individual students and their varied learning styles. We continue to provide comprehensive literacy, school wide assessment, classroom libraries, and culturally relevent texts to enrich critical thinking skills.

Numeracy Program

West Hill P.S. provides a strong numeracy program through the use of hands-on, student centred activities. We use math manipulatives and a variety of technological resources to enhance and build higher order thinking and problem solving skills. This in turn supports our students in building confidence, becoming risk takers and overcoming challenges.

Special Education Programs

A variety of special education programs and services are available at West Hill P.S. to meet the needs of ALL our students. We are fortunate to have supports from our Home School Program, SERT, Resource, ESL and an Intensive Support  Classroom. Through our differentiated instruction and assistive technology we support  our students.

Additional Features

  • Interactive Whiteboards
  • Mobile iPad lab
  • Mobile iPod lab
  • Mobile Mac Laptop lab
  • ELMO technology
  • Computer lab

Student Life - Where You Belong


The students at West Hill P.S. look forward to coming to school every day. There are many opportunities to interact with peers through extra-curricular activities and clubs. Students feel our school is a safe and caring environment. Our students enjoy the Scientist in the School program and visits from community artists and performers. Our Eco team leads our recycling program; encouraging a boomerang lunch, litter-less recesses and promoting ecological awareness. Our library is the hub of the school, where many staff, students and community members share in our book fairs, in-services and workshops. We involve our students in excursions to outdoor education programs, downtown historical and artistic locations as well as community related initiatives. Our students become confident learners who's skills and abilities are valued.


West Hill Public School is unique for a number of reasons.  First and foremost is the incredible dedication and commitment by staff to all of the students at our school.  We are a close knit family who work hard to ensure that all students achieve success academically, socially, and emotionally.  Learning goes beyond the curriculum, as many staff are involved in our extensive variety of extra-curricular activities, before, during and after school.  Secondly, we have a diverse group of parents who support many of the initiatives and events throughout the school year.  Each year, our School Council organizes our annual Fun Fair, purchases Scientists in Schools, assists with Hot Dog and Pizza lunches, and coordinates several bake sales.  Upon entering our school building,  many visitors and those new to the community have stated that the atmosphere of the building is positive and inviting. West Hill P.S. believes that it takes a village to raise a child, and we strive hard to make each and every student become a responsible and productive member of society.


At West Hill P.S., we encourage use of the school gymnasium by various community groups for sports, music and meeting purposes. We support family-involved fundraising events such as Fun Fairs, Book Fairs and other projects that contribute to a sense of community. Our School Council assists with events, such as our annual Fun Fair, Chocolate and Bake sales, and other fundraising initiatives. We have developed a collaboration between staff, students and parents/guardians through our School Council, meeting regularly throughout the year. We also have fostered parent involvement with our nutritious snack program. We ensure effective communities with our families through regular school and classroom calendars and newsletters. We provide practicum opportunities for teacher candidates, ECE students from the neighbouring colleges and Co-Op students from secondary schools in the area.