PHONE NUMBER: (416) 396-6605


Timberbank Junior Public School's Mission Statement

Timberbank Junior Public School is located in the Agincourt community on the north side of Timberbank Blvd., just west of Birchmount Road. The school was officially opened in 1969, and modernized its Resource Centre in 1998 adding a computer lab. Today we have interactive white board technology in every classroom.   A dance floor was added in 2007 to expand our arts education. Timberbank Junior Public School offers classes from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6.The school serves approximately 250 students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Many of our students speak English as a second language. While two of our largest cultural groups are Chinese and Tamil, we also include a variety student heritages from around the world. 



Since September 2013, we have been a Full-Day Kindergarten site.  For more information around full-day learning, please visit our school website or .

Focus on Character

Our school supports a vision that all students will be working towards being on T.R.A.C.K. Students demonstrate theses qualities in their school work, personal interactions and contributions at school.
T ~Teamwork and Trust
R ~Respect and Responsibility
A ~Attitude and Achievement
C ~Cooperation, Commitment and Courtesy
K ~Kindness and Keeping Safe

At regular assemblies throughout the year, students are recognized for their on T.R.A.C.K. behaviours.   At these assemblies, students are supported to better understand what On T.R.A.C.K. behaviours look like and sound like.  All students are recognized for their efforts and improvements in their personal character development over the course of the year.  

More Information About Timberbank Junior Public School

Our Mission

Our mission is to enable all students to reach high levels of achievement and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values they need to become responsible members of a democratic society.
Our mission is supported by focused time on task, strategic literacy and numeracy instruction, current technological experiences, character development and enriched arts experiences. 

Our Motto

Our motto, "Timberbank is Teamwork," reflects the expectation that we all work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect, trust and co-operation to achieve our objectives.  Our Timberbank culture lays the foundation for successful learners.  We strive for a school culture that supports a positive and supportive learning environment for each student.

Timberbank Is A Clicker5 Centre

At Timberbank we use Clicker5, a powerful, versatile and user-friendly talking word processor with advanced graphic support and a multimedia authoring tool. Clicker5 can be integrated into any area of the curriculum and used to facilitate student learning. ESL and Special Ed. students can use Clicker5, and therein lies the power of this amazing tool - its inclusiveness.

Interactive White Board Technology

We have expanded the use of interactive white boards (Promethean ActivBoard) to include all of our teachers.  Each grade 1-6 classroom now has access to a board. The interactive whiteboards are used to foster active engagement in the learning process.  A recent upgrade to a dual stylus now permits students and teachers to collaborate at the Activboard simultaneously.

Additional Features

  • Enriched Arts
  • Current Technologies
  • Eco Schools
  • Toronto Schools on the Move
  • Literacy and Numeracy Tutoring
  • Character Education
  • Early Reading Intervention
  • Engaged School Council

Student Life - Where You Belong


Student life at Timberbank begins with a high value on caring and safe learning environments. Character education and bullying prevention are clearly valued and consistently promoted.  When students are recognized at one of our character assemblies, special care is taken to note what their contribution to being on TRACK looks and sounds like. Students have a variety of opportunities to learn to lead and take responsibility.  Students contribute to our safer school through Office Support, Ambassadors, House League Leaders, PALS, Canteen, Library & Lunch Room Helpers.  At Timberbank, all students are engaged by a combination of high expectations for students' academic success, robust programming in the arts and advanced opportunities to utilize new technologies to support different learning styles.  Time on task is valued and we have blocks of focused instruction in both literacy and numeracy.  We recognize that student health and wellness impacts their readiness to learn.  Timberbank is proud to be a Toronto School on the Move, promoting active lifestyles, healthy eating, cooperation/teamwork through our active house league program, wellness thru MindUP &"Walking Wednesdays".  


Timberbank has a particular focus on arts education.  Specialist teachers provide two classes each week in dance/drama and Orff music/global drumming to students in grades K-6.   Beginning in grades 4-6 students are invited to participate in an enrichment band. Our dance program places an emphasis on contemporary dance forms and the global influences that are infused.  Guest artist workshops throughout the year permit our students to experience and benefit from the specialty expertise in our community. Ballroom dancing,  brass technique, pottery, mask performance and global dance forms are but a few of the workshops that enrich our students' participation in and appreciation for the arts in a context of high expectation for academic success. 


Timberbank generates an active School Council who meets monthly to provide consultation to the principal in support of a safe, academically challenging and enriched learning environment.  School Council organizes an annual parent engagement evening.  Annually, we host a Welcome to Kindergarten Night.  School Council generates funds to support school enrichment with a raffle held at our 'standing room only' concerts each December and May.  They also plan our annual Spring Fair.  Monthly newsletters and our personalized web page keep parents informed.  Secondary and post-secondary students contribute as volunteers, co-op students and tutors to support our students.  We are so pleased to have such strong community engagement and encourage our parents to be in engaged in their child's education.